.......The End?

You are persistently persecuted by persistence. You have been moving daily, but tragically, the progression is not reflecting. Your forward movement is neither progression nor trajectory now but it used to be though not now. You are not quitting neither are you throwing in the towel but you have done more than and all you can with the meager you never had and produced so much of what it is. However it is not much of it, is it? Release your grip on an ending whose duration has elapsed that is now ended and is now living in the current time as if it is now due to you. If you do not it will end you as well only that your ending will be prolonged and if it is prolonged it does not mean that it will end in a new beginning just the same ending in a different time frame and circumstances that will birth another ending that will be nothing new expect of the ending. Others have begun new things and are progressing towards the end of these new beginnings then here you are floating in the abyss of an end that came to pass and has passed on. 

Well, oh well! This the end? Is this the end. It has been stagnant but growing. You have been moving daily tragically the progression is not reflecting, Your forward movement is neither progression nor trajectory now but it used to be though not now. You falsely comfort yourself by hissing to your spirit that you are now on the cusp of the end yet you have been experiencing the climax of the end in the end. Is this the end and is this what it looks like? Every journey has a destination but the destination does not determine the end of the journey, For you the end, this end is your destination, and do not falsely comfort yourself that you have reached the destination but ending it where you are now has become an alternative destination. 

You have fought for so long and giving up after such a duration is not integral to you but you are not giving up you are retreating for a better cause and an unconflicted peace of mind. Why is this the end for you? You are not quitting neither are you throwing in the towel but you have done more than and all you can with the meager you never had and produced so much of what it is, however, it is not much of it, is it? This is not the beginning of the end, for the beginning of the end started before you and now time for the end has elapsed. The end is out of time. No, you have elapsed and are out of time, yes you are out of time and in the abyss of the end not the beginning of the end. For the end never elapses but you do. 

Embrace the new, you don't know and have a new lease to an end that will catapult you out of the abyss of this end. You have been in the vacuum of the end tragically you are in denial, you knew it before it ended you. Release your grip on an ending whose duration has elapsed that is now ended and is now living in the current time as if it is now due to you. If you do not it will end you as well only that your ending will be prolonged and if it is prolonged it does not mean that it will end in a new beginning just the same ending in a different time frame and circumstances that will birth another ending that will be nothing new expect of the ending

You are persevering for what when it's been over already? You knew when it transitioned from being over the end and when it was over you did not have to transition with it to the end and into the end, you did. Stupidly you did. You labeled it a hiccup when it was a chokehold by the hangman's copper noose. It was at that point that you knew it was over that you had to let go but you held on to the beginning of an end and here you are now on the cusp of the end, 'delusionally' asking yourself, "Is this end?" 

For new beginnings and to grow to new endings you have to release yourself from the grip of this end that you are firmly biting to. It has helped you persevere and be persistent but not to mature and grow. Others have begun new things and are progressing towards the end of these new beginnings then here you are floating in the abyss of an end that came to pass and passed on. You are ending, you have ended and this is the end, and the ending in the end has elapsed as well but you do not believe it yet you live than survive in it. 

What if it's not the end and it is the birth of a new beginning and for something new to come to pass the old must be done away with it? Logically right. Right? For you, no, you have ended. Maybe not, but you are ending if you do not let go from the end. What are you living for in this abyss of the end? No, what are you consistently struggling for to survive in this abyss of an end? To be titled perseverant? To identify as persistent? Don't give up? What has given in for you? You have been given into the abyss of the end and you are now in desperate need to crawl yourself out but an abyss is not a hole that you can crawl yourself out of is it? You can float behind the end with the hope that you progress to the beginning of the end to save yourself from ending and when you are out of the end you can then let go of this end you are biting to with a grip. 

You haven't failed yourself nor have been failed by your faith but to every beginning there is an end and this is how far your faith has taken you and this far you have carried yourself. Though it does not mean it is the end of your faith for it brought you this far, to the end and into the end, and is now taking you back to the beginning of the end so that you can end it.............The End 


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