Genocide Of A Generation

How can you talk of the future of the current young generation or vision 20whatever for them when they struggle to see if they can live in the next hour not day but hour? Due to your generational genocide, you have turned dreams into nightmares.

They told us to wait in line for our time would come. But now looking at it, some of us have run out of time whilst in line and those who still have it no longer have the time to wait in line because the message of waiting for your time was preached to a previous generation who listened to it and applied the principles of waiting but they now find themselves battling with the new generation based on who should be first in a line that has no cause but a structured psychological context. Just like us, their generation also had people who ran out of time whilst waiting for their time. Now those who still have time are at war with the new generation on the aspect of waiting in a line that has no cause nor course but a structured psychological context. They fear that this new generation can usurp what they were entitled to when they were still a new generation. Now they have come to realize that three-quarters of their generation passed on whilst in line and the quarter that remains which feels entitled is perishing in a new age whilst they are still alive.

Would you blame them for pushing and blocking out the new generation? I would not. But what they tend to forget is that both of us the old and the new have been sold a raw deal that is never going through the secondary nor tertiary industry to become a final product. Yet here we are, fighting on who should be where in a stupid line, that's just that. Whilst both our generations are going through genocide and we put a blind eye to that in a bid to focus on how to wait in line. 

We used to have faith till our faith failed us. Maybe we failed our faith not the other way around, maybe. We used to be patient till we became aware that patience does not pay. The more patient you are, the more you become a victim. We used to love till love taught us it is for the weak and it is a term used in a fairy tale. We used to encourage the future generation that was to come after us to work hard till they realized that there is nothing to work hard for after they looked at our current status at face value and judged us on that. I am not saying beyond face value there is something of value because there isn't, for at least the face covers a larger part of the shame but not all of it. All because there is a generation that wakes up each day to plot and put into action the death of a new generation that has a right to grow. Not only the new generation but a part of their generation, hence the new should just wipe out both parties of the old, those inflicting the genocide and those who are of the same generation as the plotters of the genocide. 

Talk of how this genocide is murdering all regardless of tribe. Leading to psychological distortion and division. For some claim to be more victimized than others but at the end of the day all tribes are victims. I will applaud you for your genocide. You deserve an international award for it. A Nobel Peace Prize for genocide. See how your genocide has made its victims wage a war amongst themselves just to conclude who is more victimized than the other. Putting a blind eye to how they are all victims in their own right. 

Why do you cling to power till you become powerless physically and mentally? Do you fear handing over power to the next generation because they will bring you to account for crimes against humanity and spirituality? Why do you hand over power to someone in the same class as you but who sits in a different group from you but is still in the same class? You lie that you will build a future for the next generation yet you held a successful genocide of the future of your own, how is that logical? Do you not feel pity for a certain part of the new generation that you have abducted in a bid to groom them to be despised like you? In a bid to sow division, this part of the new generation that you have abducted behind closed doors they wish for death yet they have all that they desire. Have you ever asked yourself why? They fear becoming like you in the time to come when they come to realize that they have saved themselves and failed the remaining larger part of their generation. Hence have sown a seed of genocide for a generation that they will not live to see. All because of you OLD IDIOTS.

Talk of how this genocide makes you uncomfortable even in your comfort zone of all your riches and wealth you are pained more than those you are dishing out a genocide on. We know your actions of genocide haunt you. Behind closed doors with the vast amount of wealth you have gained from it, you still fail to enjoy the wealth. We know. You are pained by your actions more than those you victimize, for when you are in your comfort zone you are so uncomfortable with yourself. With the thought of what 

could happen if the tables turn. No wonder why you always look restless. 


Now we debate among ourselves that the old and aged are dream killers. Dum as sh*t. We have a

biased view toward them. This genocide of a generation that you have had in motion is widening

the generation gap. Now instead of seeking wisdom and advice from the old, we seek it from the online web because we believe you are all alike if not identical. Not being stereotyped though, one bad apple spoils the rest but you are more than one, three, twenty, seven hundred and nineteen thousand bad apples. But then, can we blame the old and aged who refuse to retire just like you refuse to hand over power to the next generation? Oh wait, both of you the aged who refuse to retire and you who refuse to hand over power are of the same generation. But we can not view you in the same light or context because the former is a victim of the latter. For the former was told to wait in line and those who advanced out of the line got a semi-raw deal that they can not let go of because it is better than being in line despite the semi-raw deal being half of what it is not in a negative direction and the other half of what it is by formality. Now would you blame them for clinging to what they have? They are victims of genocide just like us but better of because they have something to survive for. 

Ask them if the previous generation did this to them and if it is a cycle of life. If not so, what is their aim? What legacy do they plan to leave? Maybe it's generational and they expect us to do that to the next generation? Is your genocide generational? Did the previous generation do this to you? So you want to do the same to us? Do you expect us to do the same for the next generation? 

How can you talk of the future of the current young generation or vision 20whatever for them when they struggle to see if they can live in the next hour not the next day but hour? Due to your generational genocide. Now because the next hour is bleak, prostitution and adultery have been legalized as means of survival. Does that give you pleasure when you sleep? Drugs are no longer used to treat nor cure ill health but to cure emotional and psychological pain, hence distorting reality and dishing out a holocaust to the future. Are you proud of that? Now I sleep with the Bible, the Quran/ Koran, The Torah, a dry human skull and an armed pistol under my pillow in case the robbers might visit my house next not my home. I need all forms of divine and undivine protection.


Insecurities you promised your generation that you would solve have plagued the next generation. Talk about having a future for the current generation? Was I born in the wrong generation or born on the wrong side of the generation? Is your soul at peace being aware that we are selling our souls to GOD's messengers instead of giving our souls to Him? Now, most of GOD's messengers are empowered by the parallel powers but we believe to survive your genocide, no your holocaust I mean. Holocaust.

Your genocide has victimized us to an extent that we are impatient to depart for the afterlife. We are 

even opting to depart naturally or by other parallel means. I am opting for the parallel than the former, for the former will make me and us toss in the grave. We will not rest in peace for we never rested whilst alive. 

You have murdered the past, the present and the future. What more is it that you want? If this ever gets to you, it was meant for YOU and that other YOU who sits in authority. 



  1. I enjoyed that good article

  2. You are thet best writer l've ever seen, keep on telling these bastards the place where really belong

  3. Um enjoying your articles bro,,,, where have u been all along

  4. Great buddie the truth as is

  5. In my view we're are dealing with people who have lost their souls and conscience

  6. Great minds with powerful msg,I wish the sons and daughter's of the oppressors can browse to your article.
    Thank you very much appreciated

  7. Great article came here after you referred me from a Facebook post.

  8. Thus great hey truth has been said as it is

  9. This touching according to the current status of my country

  10. Wow you nailed it. Really this make sense.

  11. Thats why they keep on committing to the things that they can't even add help on, because they knew that the next generation will pin them and change everything they desire for themselves and what they did can be use against them.

  12. This is more than knowledge on itself ....thank you bro for awakening us

  13. Wow..this is great..such truths must be made avail to all ..if possible publish small's sad we are normalizing the abnormal

  14. This world would have been a better place if everyone saw things from your perspective

  15. Brilliant work with a msg that we can all relate to .

  16. Great piece
    Surely we are running out of time while still in line

  17. He who shares knowledge is born free!

  18. Woooow , that's true you said it all

  19. Thank you for referring me here, good read.

  20. My brother though not done reading but already i think this is thought provoking and like it.Thanks for directing me to the link,you are a great author i tell you.I will continue reading more

  21. Thnx bro so interesting

  22. Interesting & well thought.

  23. Thank you for linking me to this brilliant article of yours. I enjoyed it

  24. Brilliantly written, so sadly true 💔

  25. Not just the best writer you are but the way you articulated your thoughts in a positive manner one can learn, re-learn and unlearn 🙏💪🏼

  26. This is so painful heartbreaking
    Thank you Asher

  27. Thank you for this piece. It's so illuminating.

  28. Well written and to the point!

  29. A beautiful piece of art.

  30. Very touching commentary of our daily lives...we have to take back our country whilst there is still something to salvage..

  31. Well articulated

  32. Nice read. Thanks for the reference from X.

  33. powerful and exact to the situation at hand. damn

  34. It's sad but true, you're a really good writer.


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