Late Repentance
Late repentance? What is late repentance? Late for what? What is there to repent for which is more valuable than what you are not repenting for? They said, “his coming soon and you do not have to be late”, yet his coming soon on whose watch, his or mine? Who defines what one should repent from and show me the value of repentance not vomit to me the spiritual theoretical worth of it? What is repentance’s value or worth if it fails to immunize me from sin? I am far too gone to repent and repentance at this apex is backsliding. I do not see the revelation of myself profiteering from my repentance but melting to a vector that I become collapsed ruins.
It’s too late to release it off you and it’s too soon for you to let go. There is no more time left yet there is ample time for you to continue for the eternality of your mortality. It is your pride and your pleasure, as others wear their pride on their sleeve you cover your soul with the pride of unrepentance. They bleated, ‘’His coming soon and you do not have to be late”, yet his coming soon on whose watch, his or mine? We should repent for the kingdom at hand. Whose hand, whose kingdom and severely what repentance? Repent for whose glory and what repentance? Who defines what one should repent from and show me the value of repentance not vomit the spiritual theoretical worth of it?
It is severely late to repent. It is brutally late for me to repent and seek salvation for if I am to find salvation it will not manifest to repentance due to the duration of my sin and the weight of it. Am I in need of repentance? I am a sinner and will always be even in my repentance then after. So, what is repentance’s value or worth if it fails to immunize me from sin? I am far too gone to repent and salvation at this apex is backsliding. Is the guilt of sin tormenting my conscience? How could I still have a conscience and logic after all this sin? My sins as compared to several sinners’ abominations are fruitful in their righteous nature.
How could I cleanse myself of my righteous fruit planted and harvested in abominations? For me to repent is to let go of my righteous fruit. Releasing myself from my righteous fruit is allowing it to rot in the palms of the self-righteous who have spiritual fruit that they cannot feed on for it satisfies them in an illogical conscience and nature yet what they ache for is my righteous fruit that they curse at how it was cropped yet lust after it. Maybe I am liberating myself from the enslavement of the fruit that has captured me. For I am not a slave of sin but mastered by fruits I produce and produced through sin, that I serve for my shattered diet.
I am far too gone to backslide to righteousness. I am lost with a purpose to be found for a cause that will glorify ONE who despises my purpose for being lost. Though I have the desire to be found and cleansed according to spiritual righteousness, I want to continue to be in possession and possessed by that which made me spiritually immoral. I love that which does not quench my soul and will not have my soul saved then despise that which purifies my soul. “Envision how it is late for you to repent?” If I am to repent, I will submit to that which led me to repentance and be submissive to the power that breathes repentance but is too late to repent that is why it is an ‘if’. If I am to repent….re…p…ent..Repent? Repent from what and for whom then when than why? It is too late to repent. You could repent and the guilt of sin will crucify you mentally and spiritually, then the exorcism of the guilt of sin shall shed you after your repentance when you flushed all the wealth you acquired.
It is then that you will have a revelation that repentance is void of hype spiced up with cynicism with no realism which is salted with words of continuously bitter sinners captured by a religion that they cannot unshackle themselves in fear of being labeled heathens when they are hypocritical sinners within their religion. See why you cannot repent and it is too late for you to repent. No one has repented to the apex of being righteous or holy, it is a fallacy myth. Hence that is why your (my, mine) sin of murder to bless your avarice is equivalent to the abomination of a repented individual engaging in adultery for a holy cause. Late repentance? What is late repentance? Late for what? What is there to repent for which is more valuable than what you are not repenting for? You are living in fear of repentance or is repentance you in fear?
Repent. No. It is too late. Too late for who? After all this and before all that, you want us to repent? Repenting is simultaneously shooting myself in the foot and stabbing myself in the back. Who profits from my repentance? Me? I do not see the revelation of myself profiteering from my repentance but melting to the vector that I become collapsed ruins. To become collapsed ruins for righteousness to please hypocritical sinners enslaved by their self-righteousness. It is extremely late we (I, myself and me) cannot backslide in the name of repentance. They crucified their own Messiah for offering them free salvation and if I am to partake of their salvation that they crucified their own Messiah they will stone me to death ‘spiritually’ and name me to be the special one that their Messiah was crucified for.
Though they will never testify that their Messiah was crucified for them to possess what I have yet tragically they needed to transfigure to be what I am to acquire what they crucified their Messiah for. What is to repent and what makes one repent? Just because my soul needed salvation different from theirs and that their salvation was labeled as an abomination does not mean I am a sinner. My repentance will come to pass at the time I will declare, whereby it will be on time, not the forced repentance of being told, “soon, ……… is at hand,……….repent…..salvation…..hell…is…for….the….unrepentant…” for the sooner the prize of repentance arrives the mistimed it is on my watch and the later it arrives the further mistimed it is.
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