Unsatisfactory Vengeance

 It was your conscience that ciphered the logic that you were being hurt and the sensible thing to do was to revenge with no remorse. This in turn made your human nature have a bitter ambition for vengeance and a concentrated passion for hatred. The ‘guilty’ conscience that is piercing you is your mind that is overwhelmed by the satisfaction that your human nature managed to perform beyond logical expectations, therefore it is not unsatisfactory vengeance but it is vengeance that is beyond satisfaction that the human conscience is not factored to absorb because it is highly satisfactory. So it becomes unsatisfactory vengeance which could result in the malfunction of the human conscience. For now, your human nature has become your conscience.

She sat on her anointed chair with remorse yet not in grief. She had managed to inflict the pain that was exacted on her sevenfold on those who had hurt and then crucified her. It was a mission accomplished for her though she struggled to accept the success of it for the mission was complete for her when she still wanted to pursue it. Her completing the mission to send vengeance made her soul void for it was vengeance she fed on and now that vengeance had done its intended mandate she then felt unsatisfied for she saw no reason to live on. Before she began a crusade to exact her vengeance she knew that she had a mandate than a choice to forgive but her bitter ambition for vengeance and concentrated passion for hatred made her pursue revenge in a desire to fulfill herself, tragically she felt empty after achieving her ‘ambition’ and ‘passion’.                  

She began to comfort herself with compassion in a time of victory, “You have done it. Well done? No! Congratulations. You have achieved to make it come full circle, what goes around comes around and you are the subject, the ‘what’. Hence you managed to exact the vengeance the way you saw it just.  Neither legal nor moral justice was to inflict the just vengeance you have exacted, for neither of the two was crucified the way you were by those you exacted vengeance upon. Therefore cheer up from your remorse for a victor must not be remorseful. Was the vengeance appalling extreme than grossly horrid? No. It was just, for every vengeance is justified no matter the degree. An eye for an eye like the Lord GOD instructed but they extracted two eyes from you simultaneously so that you could not cut off their eye nor ear, do you see how the vengeance is just? They oppressed you for you were weak till you absorbed the power they used to suppress you and then devoured them. The vengeance has to be just before you and no other second party for it was inflicted upon you. The remorse that you feel is because you were indoctrinated to believe that vengeance is of the Lord and justice for the legal system but how could vengeance be for those who were not victimized and the just measure of justice be delivered by those who were not wronged? Now see how vengeance and justice would be polarized than unjust.”                                                         

Her conscience began to enlighten her that she had done something awful yet her unjust human nature was attempting to dignify it. That’s why her guilty conscience started to lurk in and she could not celebrate her victory of vengeance for it was unjust vengeance that made it unsatisfactory vengeance. Maybe it was justice she needed and not vengeance. Justice being served could have been fair and conscious, unlike vengeance which is now satisfactory because it has come to an end for it has no conscience and is inhuman. She continued to justify her unjust human nature at the cost of her conscience, “Your conscience versus your human nature. What is your conscience and what is your human nature? What makes the other? Does your conscience design your human nature or does your human nature construct your conscience? What was hurt and crucified to a point whereby you sought vengeance, your human nature or your conscience? What knew you were being crucified, your conscience or your human nature? It was your conscience that ciphered the logic that you were being hurt and the sensible thing to do was to revenge with no remorse. This in turn made your human nature have a bitter ambition for vengeance and a concentrated passion for hatred. The ‘guilty’ conscience that is piercing you is your mind that is overwhelmed by the satisfaction that your human nature managed to perform beyond logical expectations therefore it is not unsatisfactory vengeance but it is vengeance that is beyond logical expectations. Therefore it is not unsatisfactory vengeance but it is vengeance that is beyond satisfaction that the human conscience is not factored to absorb because it is highly satisfactory. So it becomes unsatisfactory vengeance which could result in the malfunction of the human conscience. For now, your human nature has become your conscience. So you are not feeling empty for achieving your vengeance you are just readjusting your human nature to be your new conscience therefore the satisfaction from vengeance is aligning itself to be in a position whereby it could be pleasurable to your human nature in its new allocation as your new conscience. Do the means of your vengeance justify the end? Well, the end justifies the means. You could not have revenged the way you were wronged; it would be unjust more than unfair. For you are no longer what you were when you were wronged, hurt, pained, inflicted, harmed, tortured and crucified. The question you asked yourself at the beginning has been answered, that question was, “Was the vengeance appalling extreme than grossly horrid?” So, therefore, stop asking yourself that “Is the satisfaction of vengeance explainable or measurable?”


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