More Darkness Than Light

He peddled himself with anger that was motivated by frustration which was fueled by depression and induced by trauma that was manifesting into tremors. Had he been obedient when he was supposed to rebel for his own righteousness? There was an unstable miscommunication between the brain and the body but his consciousness was systematically functioning, for his conscience became more logical than the brain, “The light that you have inside of you is making you a featherweight than a lightweight in this world whereby you need more darkness inside of you than light. For the stronger you become with light inside of you, the more the strength burdens you, for you are too light to carry that strength and you cannot absorb more of that strength into you for it will devour you from within and exploit you instead of you ‘abusing’ it. You have more light inside of you that has blinded you which you’re now using to seek darkness so that the darkness cannot only open your eyes but liberate your mind from psychological imprisonment and mental depression.”

He peddled himself with anger that was motivated by frustration which was fueled by depression and induced with trauma that was manifesting into tremors. His brain was in shock to a point whereby it could not send communication to the legs to be in motion but sent haphazard messages that made him walk slowly as if he was sprinting though he was crawling. Had he been a fool or had he been too kind? Had he held on strongly to his belief or had he been polarized then brainwashed by his faith? Had he given compassion when he was supposed to show ruthless tough love? Had he been obedient when he was supposed to rebel for his own righteousness?                                                  

He though he had sat himself down on a park bench when he was actually lying underneath the park bench with his left leg on top of the bench then his right leg was disfigured in the wrong position due to the unstable miscommunication between the brain and the body but his conscience was systematically functioning. His conscience began to communicate more logically than the brain, “The light that you have inside of you is making you a featherweight than a lightweight in this world whereby you need more darkness inside of you than light. The righteousness you seek has made you a target for exploitation by those who are controlled by their human nature than their conscience and you have allowed yourself to be enslaved for you cannot do what is vile for a just cause. Do you think you are holding strongly to your belief or your belief is a stronghold that is holding you back then stomping you down? You have been polarized then brainwashed by your faith but with all the brainwashing at the hands of your faith you are dissected by mental depression that is allied by trauma which has manifested into tremors. With all these mental and psychological pains do you think you are brainwashed? For if you were brainwashed you would have been numb to the mental pain, traumatic torture and crucifixion done by tremors. You do not have to be strong to overcome those psychological problems and other struggles that are warring you down. You are strong enough to be tough yet not tough enough to be resistant to dissection. You have managed to gather enough strength from the light to persevere the persecution but then you are not persevering the persecution you are preserving and conserving the persecution which you could end by empowering yourself with the darkness than strengthening yourself with light that has no empowerment. You neither need to be strong nor tough you must be dark.

 You have to be able to use your pain to inflict crucifixion on other people so that you stomp them down then when they are down and piled up you climb above them as you rise over your struggles and problems simultaneously. You believed a truth by a matrix that we rise by lifting others which is false, you rise by exploiting others for if you lift others who will lift you to a point whereby you will be satisfied enough when you have a human nature that is only fulfilled by being above both man and higher supernatural powers.  That’s how you become strong and the only faith for that to be fruitful is to have more darkness than light inside of you. So much darkness inside of you that the HOLY GHOST FIRE cannot illuminate it. For the stronger you become with light inside of you, the more the strength burdens you for you are too light to carry that strength and you cannot absorb more of that strength into you for it will devour you from within and exploit you instead you ‘abusing’ it. Abusing power is abnormal use of power but for unstable people like you there is no such thing as abuse of power, it is just use of power by abnormal people who are normal in their own right and that right should be respected in a liberal manner. Anyways what makes me an abnormal person? That I have more light inside of me that has blinded me which I am now using to seek darkness so that the darkness can not only open my eyes but liberate my mind from psychological imprisonment and mental depression. Now you are doing whatever it takes to get hold of what you desire even if it means taking yourself out and losing hold of yourself.”                         

He picked himself up only to collapse himself once more in an awkward position that was unusual for him but not strange unto him though definitely bizarre to the strangers that passed by him. His logic was still illogical and his conscience was in sync with itself to psychologically engineer a human nature that could be inhuman which would take both the place of the conscience and logic, “You should exploit but not to a point of slavery for you were overworked but not to an extent of being a purchased servant. Be harsh but not to be ruthless. Desist from ambition but be driven by greed though you should not evolve that greed to malice avarice. Be dark not to be grim. Be dark though do not have an empty soul for if you are to have an empty soul you will not enjoy the righteousness and ripe fruits of darkness. Though, how will you have more darkness than light inside of you? How will you exploit when you do not have the whip of unjust power that is righteous? How will you become tough enough to be resistant to dissection, by grinding yourself to chaff and cremating yourself when you are chaff? Do not ever make yourself believe that you quit on yourself before you got to the destination, you decided to get to the destination by quitting yourself which was holding you back from and an end result that would satisfy those with the light inside of them whom would never consume that fruit at the destination for the light inside of them would lead them astray from the fruit and blind them at the same time as you were blinded before the darkness opened your eyes and gave you a vision that those with light inside of them would not be enlightened enough to visualize. For if the darkness that you will consume inside of you begins to devour you from the inside it will be salvation from the cause of what has traumatized and tremors you due to a light that makes you a featherweight unlike the darkness that is burdened and with that burden it will be heavy rooted enough to not be victimized by the world unlike the light inside of you that was being persecuted as you were being crucified.”



  1. Good Asher. Though read it halfway

  2. Big ups!! Vital n good information, might have to go through it thouroghly again

  3. I could visualise every scene from your very descriptive and apt choice of words. Great work.

  4. Thanks a lot for the article.Am reading it now.Very interesting read so far


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