Higher Power

 Do you want to be a slave to a liberal higher power? If you are a slave to a liberal higher power or a slave to an authoritarian higher power you are still a slave. Be a GOD unto yourself, if you fail to be a GOD unto yourself be a higher power unto yourself. The higher power was at the top and you were at the bottom, what satisfied you did not fulfill it due to your different altitudes and you have a human nature then it has a supernatural nature that is not human, therefore it fed you what would satisfy its supernatural nature so that it would remain a higher power unto you whilst you were starved by what you were fed. Finally, you have the grace to become a higher power unto yourself that equates with supernatural nature so do not disgrace the grace you have been anointed with. You are a higher power now so you could do what you desire physically for you no longer have to think what is just for you are a higher power.”

His faith was stomped seven-fold by depression whilst his hope was being mauled by childhood trauma and his love ascended into passionate hatred so that he could love that which he desired but was an abomination to his higher power. What he no longer needed was a distant connection to the higher power but to become the higher power himself so that he could have more authority over himself than a higher power having dominion over him. For the dominion of the higher power was beyond authoritarianism hence why his faith was stomped sevenfold by depression whilst his hope was being mauled by childhood trauma and his love had ascended into passionate hatred so that he could love that which he desired but was an abomination to his higher power. By having authority over himself he had become his own higher power but the true higher power he had below his feet still had control of his mental state.                      

He looked at himself in the mirror which showed a blurry-dim reflection of his image then began to examine himself as the new higher power unto himself and contemplated if he had committed treason by making himself a higher power whilst the other higher power remained the higher power but not unto him, “You have taken control of your life and you are troubled that it is treason. Freeing yourself from slavery and making yourself a master is that being rebellious? Do you want to know why your faith was stomped sevenfold by depression? For you were pressing on faith that wanted you to have faith in it for its own cause and not for your own desires hence you became a slave of faith that manifested its own desires which fed you scraps that you vomited before you digested. Now you are higher power unto yourself and you can create faith that can serve your human nature which will not lead you into a depression like the faith of the higher power that made you envision what it wanted and made it yours, though when it became yours it was unfulfilling. GOD unto yourself? Do you fear being a higher power or do you need to be enslaved to another higher power that is less authoritarian than the higher power you liberated yourself from? Do you want to be a slave to a liberal higher power?  If you are a slave to a liberal higher power or a slave to an authoritarian higher power you are still a slave. Be a GOD unto yourself and serve yourself from the mental slavery that is tortured by mental trauma and then mental tremors. Is not why you decided to become higher unto yourself? Not to be a modern-day Lucifer, for Lucifer listened to himself and became a higher power yet he still finds himself at war with the higher power he liberated himself from when he could have smartly chosen that they just co-exist then he becomes a higher power unto himself and those who desire to be dictated by him. Be smarter than Lucifer. For do not negotiate your liberties from a higher power. For this higher power was at the top and you were at the bottom, what satisfied you did not fulfill it due to your different altitudes and you have a human nature then it having a supernatural nature that is not human, therefore it fed you what would satisfy its supernatural nature so that it would remain a higher power unto you whilst you were starved by what you were fed finally you have the grace to become a higher power unto yourself that equates with a supernatural nature so do not disgrace the grace you have been anointed with.

His blurry-dim reflection in the mirror began to become clearer as he asserted himself as a higher power. Though the reflection became clearer and lighter darkness began to bloom and ripe inside of him. The darkness was bleak in the mirror but he could see it in his own eyes without even looking into his own eyes. He began to coronate himself, “You shall be pure than the righteous then perfect than the holiest of hollies even when you are wrong and have sinned for a higher power is never unjust in its authoritarianism. You shall never be tormented by a guilty conscience for you will have no guilt and your conscience shall be eroded by your human nature that has no conscience which mental depression nor mental trauma can torture. For the guilty conscience that was coerced with a passion into you through indoctrination by the faith of the higher power you unshackled yourself from was meant to keep you psychologically imprisoned to the higher power and for you to continue asking for forgiveness from it when you did what was just for you yet greasily fifthly unto it. Can you not forgive yourself? Would you forgive yourself for doing what is just unto you yet appalling to the higher power that is not you? How many times did you fear doing what is just unto you but an abomination to the higher power? Either way, you fear doing what is just unto you but an abomination to the higher power is still an abomination to the higher power for by thinking it you did it psychologically but not physically. Though you are now a higher power unto yourself you could do it physically first then psychologically for you no longer have to think what is just for you are a higher power.”  



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