From The Corner

 He had begun walking away from the corner but the progress still seemed to be a distance away and it was more comfortable to jog back to the corner than it was to continue progressing towards progress that was a distance away with the distance being uncalculated though the destination was visible in one’s mind yet not in sight. He chose to be a risk taker than to take chances for there were no opportunities for him to take chances and doing what he thought he would never do to stand away from the corner was now a risk. The biggest progress he made was progressing away from the corner than walking away from it. For it is a graceful blessing to have tears of sorrow from pained progress than to have tears of laughter and joy whilst in the corner.

He had begun to war with the stereotypes and the stereotypes were battling him back so that he could fight them than war with them. He had already started something and was on his way up probably a start-up but going up was just like ascending it was difficult which led him to desire to make progress whilst on the ground for it would be less challenging to walk along a path than ascending. He had begun walking away from the corner but the progress still seemed to be a distance away and it was more comfortable to jog back to the corner than to continue progressing towards progress that was a distance away with the distance being unknown though the destination was visible in one’s mind yet not in sight. He felt the pain of moving away from a comfort zone before he zoned himself out of it. The same comfort zone had put him in a corner with others that were similar and identical to him who visualized moving away from the corner or standing away from the corner as disposing of themselves in no man’s land than being in nomad land. For at least if they were in the corner together they would comfort each other and warm up one another but would still be digested by starvation for the food they needed to be hungry was not found in the corner.

As he progressed away from the corner he propelled himself than motivated himself for motivation was what had kept in the corner, “You have a vision of where you are heading and probably how you will get there but do you know what is there where you are heading then whom will annihilate you on your way there if you are to get there? You have chosen to be a risk taker than to take chances for there are no opportunities for you to take chances and doing what you thought you would never do to stand away from the corner is now a risk. The biggest progress you made is progressing away from the corner than walking away from it. For it is better to have tears of sorrow from pained progress than to have tears of laughter and joy whilst in the corner. You wonder what made you progress away from the corner, “The realization that for as long as you are in the corner together you would comfort each other and warm up one another but would still be digested by starvation for the food you needed to be hungry was not found in the corner or was the corner becoming too small for you due to the empirical vision you started to have due to starvation that was failing to become hunger? You had to start doing something and you began achieving some things that you could have no accolades and attributions accredited to you but you are better off than being in the corner where you are warmed up yet still freezing and bitter inside for the corner has imprisoned you with its comfort and warmth that will raze you down than being thrown out in the dead of the cold where you will learn to construct hell to heat you.”

He had made a distance away from the corner which was enough space for him to not breathe intoxicated oxygen that was suffocating him whilst in the corner. Had he motivated himself whilst lying that he was propelling himself? He had a change of mind about the corner but had he a revolting heart than a change of heart which was desired as he progressed into a dimensional empire away from the corner? A revolting heart that had a passionate nature for violence which was desired to war the elements that had the GOD-given ability and the Devil’s blessing to propel him back into the corner. Whereby the will to succeed away from the corner would be just another assumption to propel himself to make progress in a new dimension whereby there is only unity when those who unit are willing to do so to devour a common enemy whilst in desire of being the common enemy they wish to devour so that they annihilate the one they are in unity with to become the enemy they wanted to shred. A dimension whereby one creates a curse just to haunt another for they feel blessed when they crucify others. So it was either the comfort zone of the corner or the dimension with multi-polar complexities that are united to holocaust one another in their unity. He echoed to himself, “For better or worse but the moment it begins to be worse the better is to come next though if it means to be the worst and most despised to become the better one so let it be than amen. For the corner will give you a mental collapse whilst you are psychologically dead and you will never resurrect for your conscience will be ailing whilst on life support when your logic is traumatized by your senses that make no sense for your logic to construct a brain. The corner is no man’s land for the men that are there are no men than they are human.” 


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