Financial Idolatry


Now it has dawned on you that you can live without your GOD but you cannot live nor survive without money because your GOD’s salvation is valueless as compared to the priceless financial freedom and deliverance brought by money. Thank GOD and the Prophet Muhammad that now you have practically learned than theoretically educated that there are no ethics when it comes to making money the same way they are no morals when it comes to poverty.  The god of money is not what you need, the money that makes the god of money is what you desire. 

His mind was at ease and probably became stress free yet oddly the guilty conscience began to entice him to a point whereby though his mind was at ease depression was slowly kicking in, in the form of a guilty conscience. He now knew he could survive the night to struggle tomorrow whereby the previous day he had no reassurance that he would persevere during the day to survive the night to struggle tomorrow. His spirit felt disgusted with him instead of having pity on him; however, his mind and body were in harmonious accordance for he had done what was needed to be achieved to survive to struggle the next day. As he sat by the porch of his house which was not a welcoming home even to its own inhabitants he nodded his head in agreement with himself and said, “Idolatry. Financial idolatry. Worshiping the money so that you can live or survive to praise the GOD you pray unto yet you do not worship your GOD the way you do the money. For it has dawned to you that you can live without your GOD but you cannot live nor survive without the money because your GOD’s salvation is valueless as compared to the priceless financial freedom and deliverance brought by the money.”

His spirit trembled and vomited profusely whilst his hand proudly squeezed than held on to the money he had made at the expense of other people’s vulnerabilities. A day earlier he was not willing to exploit the expenses of other people’s vulnerabilities for profit then a change of heart hours later on that same day he was willing to exploit not only people’s vulnerabilities for financial gain but his own well-being which resulted in him losing his own personal dignity, diminishing morals and eradicating righteous ethics not for selfish gain but for selfish survival. He began to calm his non-logical though not illogical spirit with logic, “Now look at you. You no longer need to examine yourself to be presentable before anyone even yourself. You are worried about you having eradicated your morals and stomping on your religious beliefs to have finances yet you are aware that on any scale the finances you gained from eradicating your morals and stomping your religious beliefs are way more valuable. The financial gain outweighs your morality and religious beliefs. Financial gain is weigh more valuable than morals and ethics. Do you think you would have become a financial idolater if your morals and religious beliefs paid off more than the finances themselves? The more you had morals toward money the more you became a financial idolater. The more you held on to your religious beliefs that did not approve of financial idolatry the more you began to believe that money is your Messiah. You became poorer as you kept on believing in religious beliefs that condemn the salvation of money. 

Thank GOD and the Prophet Muhammad that now you have practically learned than theoretically educated that there are no ethics when it comes to making finances the same way they are no morals when it comes to poverty. You worship the life that comes with money and vast finances but can you live the life that comes with the money without ending up wishing you were average on finances?  How long were you to wait for GOD’s salvation that was not going to save nor serve you financially in the way you desired? Do admit, that you desired GOD’s salvation because you thought it was financial salvation or financial freedom till you realized that GOD’s salvation will never account for the financial salvation you are ambitiously greedy for. Money has become your idol and you have begun to worship each and every financial provision avenue for it, even if these avenues contradict each other. As long as you get the finances it is just with you for it is what you have to do to survive and not live. Now think of what you have to do to live a life with maximum financial provisions that you will become your own financial idol and you will not be committing the sin of financial idolatry anymore?” 

He began counting the notes of money in his hand whilst he smiled on the outside and tried transferring that smile to his inside. His spirit was trembling and vomiting profusely for he had made the money it desired the wrong way yet to him it was just. For the end justified the means. Just like the day earlier, a week before he never thought he would hold such an amount of money in his hand for he thought he would have passed on because of lack of finances. The struggle he now had was to understand why he had swiftly accepted what he had become. He thought he would have been disgusted with himself for becoming a financial idolater yet he was pleased with it. Something he once reassured himself he would not do yet he was becoming what he said would not do and he failed to notice it. Why? Well, he was thinking right and acting left. “The god of money is not what I need, the money that made the god of money is what I desire. Even now I am smiling as I count these few notes that will make me survive tonight to struggle tomorrow but tomorrow will be different. For now, I desire and lust not to survive to struggle but to exploit the vulnerable to live in financial freedom. The lust of my mind shall become the desires of my heart and my soul. So that the money I worship mentally will be praised by both my heart and soul. For the desires of my heart and the fulfillment of my soul can only be achieved by the mentality of my mind to make as many finances as possible without having a guilty conscience that is illogical to the logical nature of the human mind.” 


  1. Powerful. Politics has turned most into Financial idolaters not only politics even the church man has gone to that door not forgetting the young men selling the souls of their friends to witchcraft. A daughter will sell to the highest bidder with no regrets and my son will kill and bring his father's jacket home until he realisez that He shot himself the victim of last night is his family,


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