Passionately Obessed

To Me

You were passionate about it until your passion evolved into an obsession. Indeed you were a hard worker then you became hard on yourself to prove that you were working. You transgressed from an isolated box to a bigger isolated box, then you saw it as progress. You still are passionate about it but your level of passion needs revaluation. Not that it's weak but it's too strong for what you are directing it towards. It's no longer a passion but an obsession. In the beginning, you could not hold yourself back, halfway through you saw the need to hold yourself back but the desire to make progress kept you from holding yourself back yet now you are progressing for the same outcome on a different and higher level that will give you the same satisfaction as before. Yet you desire to keep on going. When you relax and take necessary breaks you believe that you are slacking. At first, it was your playground for escaping from your harsh and unsatisfying reality then it became your workplace that began to exhaust you. Then work became play and play became work, hence you cannot differentiate. Are you addicted to it? No, you have an obsession. Do you have an obsession? No, you have an addiction. Addicted or obsessed? You cannot tell the difference. In the same way, you cannot differentiate obsession from passion.

From Me


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