Future Pride

 To Me

"Pride comes before the fall", they say but your demise sets in before you can have anything to gloat over yet you have hope to have an element to boast about. You do vision the position of the starting line tragically you cannot locate it for your mind is already celebrating the victory lap before you even begin. If you do not know where the starting line is how will you know when and where the race ends? It is not wrong to think ahead but it becomes a tragedy when you think beyond the realm of realism and let your proudly biased creative thinking distort your mental state. When your future pride makes you fail on purpose and with a passion to distinguish between what is, what could be and what could not be. You want to bring the pride that you could have in a creatively biased future to the present day to fix your past mistakes and alter your unsatisfying present state. So ask yourself, "If you are to have the power of pride in the future will it be satisfying when you need it in the present day when by then the present day would be a past not worth documenting?" You got to be proud of what you could become though you have no guarantee you could become it when you are a tragic case and a disappointment in the making. Shouldn't I? You do see how the pride you think you might have in the future has begun to erode your history, corrode your present state and destine you for the fall before you have had your pride. Yet somehow you still toast and dine to your future pride that is non-existent.

From Me



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