Creating 'You'

 To Me 

You allowed yourself to be passive in fear of being disobedient. Now passiveness has no rewards nor treasures like that of being rebellious and obedient. At least disobedience reaps its lapsing pleasures than passiveness that results in a void. You have none to blame, to be angry at and hold a cursed grudge at for not being what you desired to be and lust to be. You desired to be a tame beast and lust to be a tormenting demon yet you never stepped forward to push yourself towards the first step into the sweetened abyss. You want to create the new you when the old you are incapacitating what you are currently and your current self is treacherously backstabbing your old self for not guiding you to how you could have lost your soul to gain what pleasured your soul and physical stature. You could have been this if you had done that and precisely not that you could have been that if this was like that. Do you want to create the new you who is hell-bent on settling an old score with your old self? An old score that has no victory points. Or do you want to create the new you to set a pace for the next and future you? You want to be a seven-headed beast now so that you can torment your past demons and not create the new you.

From Me 


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