Calculated Optimism

 To Me 

Can you be happy without being optimistic? Just being happy without planning and being cautious. Doing something without being hopeful or having faith and being unaware of the consequences yet firmly assured that the outcome will be profitable. It's time you took chances without considering the risks. You always consider the risks first, the doubts second and somehow you take the chances half-minded with a diluted passion then tragically you exploit the opportunity dismally. For you have calculated optimism, calculated faith and calculated hope. I am not saying you should be analytical. Can you befriend a stranger without hoping for an unexpected or surprising ouIt'stcome? Can you choose to be kind and then accept to be paid back sevenfold with cruelty in return for your kindness? You smile when there is a potential sphere of happiness and shrug when there is a looming void of sorrow. Can you smile when there is a looming void of sorrow? 

From Me



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