
To Me

You fear the outcome yet you are already being tormented by the consequences before the side effects even begin. How long can you hold on to living a life that you know is scripted and the scriptwriter being none other than your biased and polarized self? You are acting out a reality to appease those living a life with tragic consequences and excruciating fairy tales. The truth is, you have to stop acting it out and face the music which will not be music to your ears. You are devouring a lie and exaggerating it so that maybe you can find a comfortable truth within the exaggerated lie that will not hurt you, choosing to be ignorant of the fact that the truth hurts and with you the truth is stammeringly ugly. You have imprisoned yourself in a matrix and chained yourself to illusions. You are beginning to feel the side effects and the consequences of your lies so without contemplating you choose to inject your veins with more lies, sniff false assumptions up your nose and indoctrinate yourself with a fantasy with neither a plot nor setting. 

From Me




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