
To Me

Now it is burdening you. As it burdens you it further weighs you down. You should have just let it go and free yourself from its clutch. For it has weighed you down and burdened you to an extent that you now believe that you are in control yet you are being commanded over and you can not even notice, the biggest tragedy being you are not even aware of its authoritarian clutch upon you. Your heart and mind have concluded that the honest thing to do is to forgive and reconnect yet you decide to be distant and engage in more bitterness. At times you are aware that you are unforgiving just for the sake of being unforgiving. You are not bitter as you believe you are, you just need to be heard but you choose to be silent and enraged not that you want to nor need to but just for the sake of being unforgiving not the cause of being unforgiving. You are inflicting more pain on yourself than those you choose to not forgive but oh well, you are now numb to the pain. It has become more than a norm and status quo to you. It is what you are now. The more you look back on how you were wronged not that they sinned against you, the more unforgiving you become, the more you focus on the present your bitterness increases its mileage, and the more you envision tomorrow you are teleported back into the past that makes you unforgiving.

From Me         




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