A Widow's Disguised Grief
" The problem is that you wish it was you with the vagina to use to build, adopt and inherit an estate because with your penis and being a man you have nothing to show for it" She had a vagina but no brains. Maybe she had brains but I did not have the eyes and mind to see it. You are just jealous because you do not have a vagina. Go find a specialist Doctor and get a sex change."
It was hard to identify if they were tears of joy or pain trickling down her cheeks. She had just lost her husband. It was even harder to conclude if it was a loss or a win for her. I could see beyond the smoking mirrors and the face value. She was dressed in all black as a symbol of mourning yet she was impatiently waiting for the morning after the mourning to start devouring her late husband's wealth. Or maybe there was nothing symbolic about her tears. Maybe she was really in pain. After all, she had lost the love of her life. Maybe it was genuine grief and not disguised.
The non-sympathizing part of me began speaking out its opinion, "She is more than happy to have lost her husband. A woman with a Jessica Alba face, an appealing body structure and brains like hers are more than happy to have lost a wealthy husband. Now she can have all the estate wealth that she used her vagina to access. The question is, can she use her brain to expand the wealth? I do not think so. The only time she used her brains to build wealth was by cherry-picking which man out of the twenty would she officially give her vagina to be in a relationship that would put her on the path to being married to wealth. After all, all twenty men and an additional twenty men had been through her vagina. Now I hope that she does not plan to use her vagina to expand the estate she has inherited. With the greedy men surrounding her, she will only expand her vagina and detract from the wealth she inherited. That she does not even know how it was built but is aware of its existence. Maybe this is a double funeral. Mourning for the deceased husband and mourning for the wife who is about to be deceased whilst alive."
The sympathetic part and reasonable side of me lashed out to my non-sympathizing and judgmental part of me, " Are you sexist. Are you a believer in male patriarchy? If you are a believer in male patriarchy it will haunt you and victimize your thought process as it has now. Instead of being sympathetic you have become judgmental. Where is your humanity? She just lost her husband and what you are thinking about is the aftermath of the funeral in terms of inheritance and wealth. A two-year-old child just lost her father. A four-month-old baby just lost his father figure and here you are being vile and beyond the measure of being judgmental. Just like you see beyond the face value and through the smoking mirrors of other people. I too do see beyond your face value and your smoking mirrors. The problem to you is not that she has inherited wealth that she did not sweat for. The problem is that you wished it was you with the vagina to use to build, adopt and inherit an estate because with your penis and being a man you have nothing to show for it. You are just jealous because you do not have a vagina. Go find a specialist Doctor and get a sex change. Shame on you. Her husband worked strategically hard to become the man he was. Whilst you just worked without a strategy. No wonder why her grief is disguised to you."
The judgmental me continues, " A woman with no brains like her is capable of poisoning her husband. Maybe a drop of nitrite acid in the soup for dinner or a lethal injection to both the brain and the heart whilst asleep at night. Dear sympathetic and reasonable me, how did this conversation become about me? Let us get back to the topic of a wealthy widow who is about to become more vulnerable than poor Lazarus from the Bible. She has no brains or awareness of what is going on in the world. Especially to women. Does she even know #metoomovement? The Panama Papers assassination? How women in India are of less value as compared to cows? Cows. Yet she prides herself in having a vagina. She knows Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Wives and Girlfriends of Professional Athletes, Big Brother Africa and Real Housewives of Atlanta or any other American state that broadcasts that Real Housewives rubbish. With all that wealth she is probably going to invest it to start her own twenty-four-hour reality television show that is going to go broke because she has no brains to realize that commercial media makes an income from advertisements. If her own twenty-four-hour reality television show premiers, eighteen hours of it will broadcast her either sleeping or using the bathroom. GOD! Dear sympathetic and reasonable me, I had you mention how I give a blind eye to the children of the deceased man. I do not. It is them whom I am more worried about. Their future lives are in the hands of a brainless widow who has a certified history of professional prostitution. What is worse than that? If it was me in that body with that vagina, I would not be as brainless as she is. Just to set the record straight, I am not jealous about not having a vagina. I am just concerned about how it is being misused and being put above the brains. This is a man's world. Even GOD and ALLAH have male titles like 'him' 'his', and 'father'. The list is endless. My point is, in this man's world can she stand on her own two feet when she used to spreading her legs wide open and sleeping rather than standing? Wait till the lawsuits and the court battles for the
estate begin. That is when you and everyone else will realize she is brainless to an extent that she can not tell the difference between a Lawyer and an Advocate. Her in-laws and her own family see that she is on an open road to undeserved wealth. Just like she did not deserve the wealth she lavished herself on and inherited. I admit, I too want more than a share of her wealth. I also want her vagina and a vagina. Jesus Christ, this writer is sick. She is not mourning, she is not even mourning. She is not even in sorrow, pain, or grief. She is in disguised grief. Many of you will not realize it because it is in disguise. "
The sympathetic and reasonable side of me gave a conclusion to me and my judgmental side, " You want her vagina and a vagina? Are you not contradicting yourself? First, you do not like the setup of her using her vagina to be where she is and now you want to have her vagina and a vagina? Please clearly explain that to me. How then do you explain a woman like Oprah Winfrey? Wait! That is too hard for you in your delusional mind to explain a woman like Oprah. If you failed to use the tools and resources that you have now to build an empire do not think with a vagina you will. We can give you one through a sexual organ change and you will be more brainless than the widow you are referring to as brainless. You failed to make it, now you are blaming it on gender. You sound like women who fail to use their brains and blame it on gender inequality. You hope for the worst for her more than you ever hope for the best for yourself. I am ashamed to be part of you. At least her husband left her something if it were you being deceased. It would have been additional expenses for the ones burying you. You do not even have life insurance or a funeral policy covered for yourself. Your children would be left to the wolves. Your wife hopes it is her who passes on first not you. She even has a will assuring that when she passes on your children are either sent to live with other relatives or set up for either foster care or adoption. Why? Because you have a penis with no brains. Which is easy to state in one line, " You are neither here nor there." It's a man's world you say, eh! I can not see your face amongst the real men or the teenage boys. Where are you? Oh, there you are, lost in your clueless thoughts and masculine arguments. You are just standing on your own two feet yet numb in both states of physicality and mental state. If you would move on your own two feet, you would be moving backward, further behind the starting line. Even if you could start over the starting line, with a vagina, you would be running a race without a purpose or finishing line. You could have a vagina but you will be unaware of whether you are in a sprint challenge or a long-distance challenge. We can put you in a sprint challenge and you will end up being in field events."
If she were a poor widow would you view her the same?
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