For I Am White

See, he or she who protects and serves GOD's chosen race is glorified. See Nelson Mandela. Ask Seretse Ian Khama. See Desmond Tutu. He or she who goes against GOD's chosen race shall feel the wrath of GOD. Ask Robert Mugabe, see Steve Biko. See Patrice Lumumba, see Samora Machel, see Martin Luther King and see Malcolm X. What is a black man or black woman's dream without a white inspiration? Tell me of a black man that we WHITES did not inspire.

Have you ever had that feeling when you look in the mirror and you are proud of your race? The feeling that you are WHITE. You are of a superior race, skin tone and color. Yes, being WHITE. If you are black, believe me, you will never have that feeling of being WHITE. Even if you are choc-ice or coconut, ( Being black on the outside and white on the inside) you are still not WHITE.

If WHITE people had not appeared on the black continent. You black people would have never had a history. No history without the WHITE folk. Yes, GOD's chosen race. If you are black, you have a black history because we WHITES were present. What is black history without the WHITE people to cement it to be true? If your black history does not have WHITE elements in it, then it's a myth, a fable, a bedtime story or a folktale for your children.

Let me tell you how it feels to be WHITE. How it feels being GOD's chosen race. If you are black and you are reading this. You do know being white makes me superior to you. If you are WHITE and reading this, let us just communicate the truth to the black people, shall we? A truth we all know. Also if you are black, rarely, you will ever hear, read or see a WHITE person confess their superiority to you. Confess, yes confess the truth. Or is it a confession? Well then, let me go on and tell you how it feels being WHITE. Apologies for the time wasted. Let me shoot to kill.

It was the WHITE people that thought of going to the moon and did it. Do you ever think blacks would accomplish that? Or even think of it?                              

All humans are equal. That is a human right, right? Whether black, albino or WHITE. We are all equal. Wait. Do you think blacks would have known that if we WHITES had not told you that? Or civilized you (blacks) with it. Wow. I am proud of my WHITE ancestors. We, WHITE people, brought you civilization, commerce and GOD. The real GOD. Now, look at you blacks. You have been saved by the grace of GOD and JESUS CHRIST that came to you through us the WHITE people. Do acknowledge the WHITE grace. Please if you are black and you are reading this. Take time to applaud me for being WHITE and us WHITES. WHITE! WHITE! WHITE! WHITE!WHITE!WHITE! WHITE!

If WHITE people had not appeared on the black continent. You black people would have never had a history. No history without the WHITE folk. Yes, GOD's chosen race. If you are black, you have a history because we the WHITES were present. What is black history without the WHITE people to cement it to be true? If your black history does not have WHITE elements in it, then it's a myth, a fable, a bedtime story or a folktale for your children.

That is how it feels being WHITE, knowing that you saved a race. Have you ever seen an image of JESUS CHRIST? What color was his skin tone! Not black I guarantee you that.

African-Americans we gave you an identity of being negroes. Now you are calling yourself niggas after your independence. Either way, the meaning is still the same.

What is racism to you? Yes you, black human. Racism is when you are discriminated against because of your skin color. Yes, when we WHITES discriminate against you because of your skin color it's racism. Yet when you blacks discriminate against us WHITES because of our skin color it is not racism whatsoever to us WHITES. Ask WHITE people, and they will tell you. Let me go deeper, shall I? LOL ( Laughing Out Loud) You "Christianized" blacks like that statement, "go deeper" especially when a lying prophet is in front of you. Let me go deeper.

You see when black people discriminate against us WHITES. It is not racism at all. No, no, it's not. We understand all the blacks that are racist towards us. They wanted to be WHITE, just like us. They are jealous of us. Jealous of our skin tone and jealous of our history. They wished it was them who were the colonial masters and made generational wealth. It's something you blacks can not see due to

 our illuminating skin tone that is blinding your eyes or giving you blurred vision. That up to this

very day, we are still the masters.

We are the masters to your masters. Your politicians, your church leaders, your black elites. That is a story for another day. Let me not get astray and show you how it's great to be WHITE.

We gave you commerce in place of barter trade but there you are being black. Making barter trade out of commerce. Record-breaking inflation.

I do not think there is a greater place to be WHITE than in a black-populated country. My friend would say, "Being WHITE in American projects or ghetto is when you truly see that we are GOD's first creation." Remember that theory of Charles Darwin's human evolution, from apes to humans. That was for you blacks. Applicable to you. Me, with my WHITE skin, GOD skin coming from an ape. An ape is WHITE, okay.

If WHITE people had not appeared on the black continent. You black people would have never had a history. No history without the WHITE FOLK. Yes, GOD's chosen race. If you are black, you have a black history because we the WHITES were present. What is black history without the WHITE people to cement it to be true? If your black history does not have WHITE elements in it, then it's a myth, a fable, a bedtime story or a folktale for your children.

Let me tell you how blacks look at me in public when they outnumber me. No, let me tell you what they see. WHITE people, this is how we are portrayed in their minds. What you blacks see at times is exaggerated but there is a truth to it. You see GOD's chosen race. You see wealth. You see power. You see your inferiority. You see your messiahs. You see what you wished to have been, which you could not be. Why? You are not GOD's chosen race. It is true. Just look around. What are you educating yourself with? Our knowledge. GOD, thank you for I am WHITE. I have a future that is bright like my skin color. It is by grace that we are your chosen race. And it shall be by grace that we shall bring the heathen to you.

Why do you black women bleach? Let me be more open. Why do black women use skin-lightening products? I will answer it. So you can become yellow and yellow is the next color to GOD's chosen race, WHITE. You just want to be WHITE. Be recognized with the best color. You want to be similar. It is hard faking it. Maybe in the afterlife, you could be WHITE.

We gave you the media to communicate your ideas but there you are, communicating our ideas and seeking our form of communication. Being black hurts.

I was laughing the other day. When I attended a black wedding but it was WHITE. It was a WHITE black wedding. Like black people getting married in the WHITE wedding way. I was the only WHITE person there. Yes, GOD's representative there. Amen. The blacks were like the paparazzi to me. They did not use their media devices to take pictures to remember me though.

No, that was not it. A different level of paparazzi. All eyes were on me. Yes, all eyes are on GOD's favorite. I now understand why they did not use their media devices. The media devices could have been damaged later on, get internal errors then ungracefully lose my gracious image. By using their eyes, I am forever embedded in their minds. If they mention Grace and Will's wedding. This is how they will refer to it, " The one where the WHITE man was present."

If WHITE people had not appeared on the black continent. You black people would have never had a history. No history without the WHITE folk. Yes, GOD's chosen race. If you are black, you have black history because we WHITES were present. What is black history without the WHITE people to cement it to be true? If your black history does not have WHITE elements in it, then it's a myth, a fable, a bedtime story or a folktale for your children.

I am not racist. I am just a WHITE supremacist. Not racist just supremacist. I just want black people to know their place in history, in the current status quo and future status quo. We might have the same professional title but our race makes the difference. You might be a black Chief Executive Officer of a corporate and I might also be a Chief Executive Officer of a corporate. Our positions are the same at face value. Face value is a fool's analysis.

The fact stands that my professional title of Chief Executive Officer bears more weight and influence than yours because I know... yes that you are stating in your mind. WHITE. Exactly WHITE. No wonder when blacks become Chief Executive Officers we have to applaud you. Breaking news, Mr./Mrs. Abc is the first black Chief Executive Officer of XYZ company. News because they are black? Come on report about Syria, Yemen, Sudan, or aliens in Jupiter.

Wow! What an achievement. Barrack Obama became president, hurray, and then Donald Trump took over. Wonderful. Blessings come after curses.

Nelson Mandela made it because he protected our interests by the use of smoking mirrors. Robert Mugabe began to crumble when he decided to take what was ours. Those farms.

At times it is not me who's a WHITE supremacist. I humble myself but then the blacks make me remember who I am to them. Honestly, I try not to show I am superior to you. But the way you start to act around me, I just give in. Is it because I appear in much of your media content as superior? Then you get the message that I am superior like the message you are getting now.

Black America. Who's more recognized, Martin Luther King or Malcolm X? You know who we loved right? Look at history.

Just recently, I went to the ghetto to buy groceries. Somehow the black shopkeeper gave me more change than I was supposed to receive. An honest person should have given it back. Am I dishonest? Am I cheating? Do you not get the message? Do you see the bigger picture? I am not just a person. I am a WHITE person. So I should keep the change. Come on. How many times have we WHITE people said to you black folks, "Keep the change." We made you keep the change of civilization we brought to you.

Well, maybe the shopkeeper's silence was a way of saying it. The shopkeeper panicked because I am WHITE and was buying groceries in the ghetto.

Africa would never have existed if we did not arrive. Did you even know what part of the world

you lived in? I am sure when the first Africans saw a WHITE person they thought it was GOD. Ironically, GOD's favorite race.

Compare the BRITISH MONARCHY to the Swaziland monarchy. The QUEEN OF ENGLAND and the King of Swaziland. Tell me. Whom would you rather be? Dressed in rags or covered in gold. The Queen of England is to the WHITES and the king of Swaziland to the rags.

A black's dream is to be a WHITE creature's neighbor.

I have written this for I AM WHITE and you know what it means.


  1. Phew! The sooner we Africans emancipate ourselves from mental slavery the better. Stop glorifying what's white and villifying what's African. We run to false christian prophets but villify our traditional healers. We feel good when our children go to school with white children or are taught by white teachers. We might not acknowledge it publicly but secretly we do. We fight about indigenous African languages being introduced at our schools and would rather have our kids learn afrikaans. " I am Venda, why must my child learn Setswana? I'd rather my child learn Afrikaans" That's what we hear in the school meetings and other platforms. The truth hurts so bad. We still have the white Jesus in our 'black churches' in 2019. Our ANC government in SA can't even run this country without some white man behind the scenes. Look at Bosasa! Even the most radical politician of Malema's calibre has a white man behind the scenes. Mazzoti. Look at Africa. It's an epitome of poverty. Our leaders would rather enrich the white man at an expense of an African man. Maybe...just maybe..we are indeed a cursed race.

    1. Good day. Thank you for reading my content. I greatly appreciate your time and effort in looking for my work. GOD bless you

    2. This is an eye opener. You have your own way of putting your work across. I have never encountered such writting. However that article needs many black people to read it. Maybe just maybe we can begin to love ourselves, who we are and our values. We are people with a lot to love and appreciate but we would rather throw that away in order to try and be white or anything close to white culture. So sad indeed. We have so much to be proud of but even our kids will remain with nothing except "white" for thats what we are trying to uphold. Keep on writting i believe thats your call.

  2. Please make a threat about this 😭?

  3. Thanks Asher
    If we could have the Founders day back ,and start holding commemorations yearly for they are truly our Founders ,I mean the Whites.
    We ought to be grateful and we stop regarding them as colonialists.

  4. Thank you so much for your script.
    All what I've noted above is that there is a huge damage within the majority of our black folks, we're somehow influenced mentally to undermine ourselves.

    I could remember it's about a decade now where I had a similar debate with one white guy and one Indian guy.

    We had many points discussed. Unfortunately they failed to answer my last question which was:

    A white man can go to varsity to learn for 6 years on how to build a strong and highest tower, after graduation he comes back organise few blacks people in a meeting.
    After 30 minutes a meeting is over, All blacks + white who were there knows exactly what they gonna build here, and every one is applauding including the white man as well.
    So we've got two sides. Which side is the most brave one?
    * (A) A man who took 6 years to have a structure of strong and tallest tower in his mind. Today the building is written his name.
    * (B) A Couple of black men who took 30 mins to have a complete structure in their minds of a perfect tower. Through their hands, structure X is number one to the world.

  5. Wow! Eye opener. It is this reason the likes of Magashule will use Carl to talk shit all the time so that they know whites will be listened to. Carl is used for that hea white. Your article on this speaks volume where it depicts whites really enjoying white superiority. I wish many black people read this and digest it in many forms. I might view it the other way and so as the other man. But at end, it talks white supremacy. Thank you for sharing. Look now, Zuma-Sambudla sees his father in a photo with Putin, boom, he likes Putin because he took a photo with a black man. By taking a photo with a black man as Whitehouse become so important because you regard yourself as with the best. Putin is killing other white persons, but a Dudu Zuma-Sambudla is in favor of him because he took a photo with a black man in Africa. This proves how superior a black man sees in a white. The same Putin is one who once said Africa is a grave yard hence our president's in Africa seek health care in the white dominated countries but get buried in Africa. But, Zuma-Sambudla promotes him because he took a photo with her father. Good writing and good reading, thank you.

  6. Thank you for expanding my mind matter what am proud of who I am.. am black ,strong and proud


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