Black Lives Matter?

Maybe we should start a 'Black Lives Matter 'movement in Africa too. Like in real African society, not African-American society. But then if we do it in Africa it will be toward who? The blacks? How does the following statement sound to you, " The Black Lives Matter movement of Africa is informing other black Africans that black lives matter." Telling your fellow black man and black woman that black lives matter in the African context. Why?

Has much as Black lives matter. 'Black Lives Matter 'should be telling the Blacks that black lives matter. The problem is more to the Blacks that do not see that their lives matter but ironically decide to tell the opposite race and blame it on the opposite race, not themselves. ALL LIFE MATTERS. DO NOT CONTINUE TO SHOOT YOURSELF IN THE FOOT WITH YOUR MOVEMENT AND HIDE BEHIND RACISM.

So I was watching the news yesterday. There was a march by Black people and a few White people spreading the message that "Black Lives Matter". Switched to the Black Entertainment Television channel, the same message "Black Lives Matter". African-American lives matter so the police should stop murdering African-Americans because they are Black. What about the real Africans that are Black, that are being murdered in Africa by their fellow Blacks? Oh wait, African-Americans are also murdering each other. Black Lives Matter should have originated in Africa and then been adopted and upgraded by the African hybrids in America.

Black Lives Matter but not all Black lives are the same or equal. Other Black lives matter more than others.
Black Lives Matter is ironic. Sarcastic too. Let us look at this way. It is not okay for a white police officer to shoot and kill a Black individual but it is okay for a Black man to shoot and kill a Black man. When I switched to Black Entertainment Television yesterday, I did see those Black artists that glorify the use of violence, gangs, guns, and drive-by shootings. Believe me, I did see those artists that claim they shot a Black person in their artwork but when it happens in reality they condemn it.

A shooting is a shooting. A murder is a murder. Either it is a Black victim or a white victim who has been murdered. No one victim is greater than the other because of race. So stop it with your Black Lives Matter movement. Always playing the victim.

Come on "Black Lives Matter", how many shootings have we had in America that have killed all lives, Black and white? Sandy Hook? So stop it with the " Black Lives Matter" and make it " All Lives Matter." If Black lives matter, go back to Africa. Oh, wait, Black lives do not matter in Africa either.

So, Black lives matter when a white police officer shoots and kills a Black individual but when it is Black on Black it is culture, Black culture. Okay. It is fine for you to use the 'n-word towards each other but when a white person uses it towards you it is racist.

Don't you think that Black Lives Matter could have had a greater impact if it was 'All Lives Matter'? You see, you are putting the skin color first before the statement to make an impact. Surely you do know that by putting skin color first you are already dividing the message and dividing the audience. When the system looks at your message, it already sees a division and a decade later you will still be shouting the same message of change which will bring about no results. Zero out of a hundred. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X sent the same message, ironically you are still sending it now.

Black Lives Matter but not all black lives are the same or equal. Other lives matter more than others.

Now if the system sees a white individual and a black individual screaming "All Lives Matter", believe me, the system will react and see it from a different point of view. Compare the impact of ' Black Lives Matter' and ' # Metoo movement #.' Metoo movement# had a better impact than Black Lives Matter. Why?

Black Lives Matter is a catalyst to increase racism and division. Only the Black people do not see it because it is a weapon of justice for them in their own eyes.

Black Lives Matter in America only if you are wealthy and powerful enough to prove that your life matters. All the Black individuals that were gunned down by the police system were not wealthy and powerful enough to prove that their lives mattered. Do you think the police system can go and gun down Sean Combs(P. Diddy), Shawn Carter (Jay-Z), or Andre Young (Dr. Dre)? Can they gun down Tyler Perry, Oprah Winfrey, or Michelle Obama? No, they won't be gunned down and you know why.

Black Lives Matter but not all Black lives are the same or equal. Other lives matter more than others.

Maybe we should start a 'Black Lives Matter movement in Africa too. Like in real African society, not African-American society. But then if we do it in Africa it will be toward who? The blacks? "The Black Lives Matter Movement of Africa informing other Black Africans that black lives matter. " Telling your fellow Black man or woman that Black lives matter in the African context. Why?

Black Lives Matter should have started in South Africa after the Marikana incident. Or it did start in South Africa but was not recognized until the African hybrids in America brought the issue up.

Telling the Black politician that " Black Lives Matter, so that they will stop corruption and enhance the development of Black Power or Black excellence. In my view, corruption is a human motivator. What about the white lives in the Black nation being affected by the corruption of Black politicians? All lives matter, don't they?

All lives matter. If the economy goes into recession, it is not like the Blacks will be the only ones affected because they are Black. White people will be affected too. All lives matter.

When police brutality happens to a Black person in a white nation, it goes viral like it is only Black people being victimized by the police. That there are smoking mirrors and PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE. When a white person is a victim of police brutality, it does not go viral because they are white. Or it is something that is expected.

Black Lives Matter would have mattered if you handled yourself well or if it was 'All Lives Matter.'


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