Nothing To Nothing

He thought if he would get a car, a perfect house and a personal stylist he would become something. After having it all, he remained what he was before he had these things. Nothing. With the progress he had made to accumulate such resources, he went from being nothing to nothing.

He never had a car before. He was never noticed because he did not have a car, it is what he thought to himself. His associates and 'friends' did have cars but not all of them. So he thought to himself, the value of a car would be transferred to him if he had one. People admire elements of value and fact. Something worth of value is noticed. It was his baseline argument. " A car will get me noticed by my associates and 'friends' then I will easily blend in.", he thought to himself. Was it so? Would a car make him something of value? No, it was not. He would remain the same as before. Nothing.

He got himself a new car and branded it well to his associates and 'friends'. He was now something he thought to himself, "I am of value now." But he waited for his associates and 'friends' to approve his thoughts of being of value. It is what he wanted the most. To be approved for what he was accomplishing. He never got the credit and praise he thought he deserved. He now felt as if he went from nothing to being nothing. He still had the new car but he never felt himself driving it. 

The praises from his associates and 'friends' would have been the drive to ignite the spirit within himself that he is driving the car. He never got it and still felt dissatisfied. Nothing to nothing.
It was more of his character and attitude that would get him noticed. His being had more value than that of the car. Not his possessions. His associates and 'friends' who had no cars were of more value than him who had a car.

He thought to himself again, " It's not the car that has the problem. It's me ." He was now on point. The problem was with him. On what aspect though? He then thought wrong to himself, " It is the way I look, I am cursed by complex inferiority." He added," A good-looking car will be well noticed by a good-looking individual." He got himself a personal stylist and cost himself money to build an outward character whilst it would be priceless to build an inward character.

He was charged to be told he looks disgusting. He had to change his clothes. From plain clothes to designer and tailored clothes. He was to change his hairstyle every week to keep up with the trends. At some point, he was mistaken to be part of the great Lesbian, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgender society. He was looking to get admiration from them too, but once he revealed his motives, he got no accreditation or respect.

The Stylist was doing a job well. A friend acknowledged how he was now looking by saying, " Your stylist is making perfect art out of you, would like to recommend her to some upcoming models." He thought to himself, " Is this praise to the stylist or him?" The Stylist was using him as a live mannequin to portray her works. True or false? Why didn't the words of his friend say, " You are looking good man, would like to recommend you to some upcoming models on how they can improve their uniqueness."
A new car but still not praised. A new look but still not acknowledged. He was better off with nothing than what he had now. Because the context or the reasons behind seeking these elements were not being fulfilled. Nothing to nothing.

It was his character and attitude that he needed to build and design for himself. He had to make an impact without having a car and looking stylish. If these elements of the car and looking stylish would have been the tools for him to be noticed. If he lost them, would he still make an impact or be noticed? Would he still be something knowing very well with all these things his still nothing?

Finally, he thought, " A house on the hill with massive acres." He supplemented his thoughts, " The rich and the famous is what they are associated with. It is where they gain their recognition from." He was planning to buy himself one. Yet he had no money nor resources to propel himself to that level. He had enough resources to propel himself to a level below and he did. He got himself a house in the next neighborhood to those on the hills.

The masses would associate him with being in the same league as the rich and famous but only different in rankings. The difference made everything. He was so small he could not be noticed within that residential area. His associates and 'friends' when mentioned in his residential area either forgot he lived there or were just ignorant to hurt him. He had texted them all, informing them he had moved to the next-door neighbor of the rich and famous. He had even posted it on social media.

So he was sure they got the message but did not respond out of jealousy.
He confirmed his thoughts, " Truly I am now something." He went from being nothing to having a brand new car, a personal stylist, and a house next door to those on the hills with massive acres. It still added up to nothing because he never got the credit he thought he deserved from those who had nothing and a little something.

He was using perishable resources to gain recognition. He was using money to build a character and attitude propelled by assets. Which were already perishing when he got them to gain relevance and try to be something. The new car was already an old model when he got it. Legit and fast cars like Lamborghini Gallardo and Rolls Royce Phantom were beyond his reach. Even if he did have these legit and fast cars, he would still be nothing because his character and attitude would spoil the worth of these cars.

It was a reverse perspective spin on the situation with the Stylist. The Stylist was using him as a live project to get recognition for her work. The Stylist got a live and active mannequin to portray her works. The value was on what he put on himself and not on himself. He had something in his hands but it was nothing to him. Brought no relevance nor recognition.

The house he got for himself in the neighborhood next door to those on the hills, did not place him on the hills with the rich or famous. He was not associated with those on the hills because he just supplemented their relevance by being part of their next-door neighbors. A group of people who wanted to be like them but failed.
He had to build a character and an attitude. He failed to realize it. Hence, he went from being NOTHING to NOTHING.
Some people do not deserve greatness because they are not great themselves.


  1. Yes. The character is always something and wealth nothing. If we could introspect, we could make the difference to ourselves


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