
It is either you are an idealist. Or you are idle waiting for ideas that you will use to propel the agenda of idealists.

The reason why you lack progression is due to the lack of ideas. Fundamental ideas. Critical thinking. People tend to recycle the same old ideas hoping to make effective progress in a new situation or a new age. Education being the key to success was an idea in a different age but is still being used to make progress in a whole different modern age. Leading to criticism of that philosophy. Several educated people are not successful.

Can we not think outside the box? But what then is outside the box? Your level of critical thinking and coming up with effective ideas is key to your success. What people tend to learn in school or get educated upon is what they tend to use to propel themselves. What they do not realize is that they are more people who have the same ideas as them who came before them. Who is trying to implement the same ideas which are new to them and already exhausted to those who came before?

What then do we have? A mass idea is overused and exhausted before it is implemented. Yet they are those who brand it new. There's nothing new under the sun but a critical thinker can tell you otherwise by bringing up new ideas of a whole new critical level. The people who stay on top for the longest duration have more critical ideas than the rest. They can think and they can execute. What is keeping another individual from gaining relevance?

One, it's either they think the same way as the rest of the people, the masses. Like how the education system is giving out the same ideas for a new generation when the times have changed. Having an education system thinks for us than for us to think for ourselves and bring new ideas that match the current age and time. When the old ideas do not fit in the new age we blame the system not ourselves for lack of thinking and coming up with critical ideas.

Or they just have a mindset that does not have critical thinking to produce relevant ideas. Why?

Why do people not think critically or bring up new ideas to the table? Well, there is a group of people, maybe you or me. Those who look up to a certain generation, group, or individuals have critical thinkers. The Professors, The Doctorate holders, and the analysts gave us ideas. On how we should live and most of all on how we should think. What do we have then? We have a mass of people who will have the same ideas they do not know how to implement or put into effectiveness for their progression. Why? Because they never thought of the idea they are about to execute. It was handed to them on a silver platter and because the platter was silver they decided to consume it.

Their minds and their lives bring someone else's ideas to life and put their ideas to death. That's if they even had a chance to think for themselves critically in the first place. Bringing up effective ideas for themselves outside of a thinking capacity of a system is what they lack. They cannot think without the effects or the touch of the system.

Marxism / Socialism, Capitalism, Communism, Fascism, Liberalism, Democracy, and the ideologies go on and on. Liberalism is much more effective than Socialism. Communism is a disaster to Capitalism. Democracy is a devil has to Christian Democracy. The last three sentences could be true or false. Whoever deems them true or false will have effective ideas to prove them as they, please. But the question though. Their support for another ideology over the other is it their own doing or the doing of the ideas indoctrinated into them? Who can bring up an idea or an argument without using such ideologies? Only a few, the critical thinkers. The idealists.

Some of the ideas that people or individuals have are not independent. Instead, they are dependent on another manufactured idea by another human being, corporate or group. So that these people or individuals can push the agenda of these corporates, individuals or groups whilst they believe they are their own. Liberals are not free thinkers, they are just made to think they are.

Why don't you come up with your idea of a political ideology? Can you? No, you cannot. Maybe you can think of it but cannot execute it but critical thinkers can.

On the aspect of political ideology. They are individuals or groups of people that can come up with an idea that shows how the far left and far right are both wrong. From there they can propel and market an ideology from that. Critical thinking and execution work hand in hand. The world is seeking individuals who can build ideas that can wash out the overused ideas and ideologies.

The questions though. How long can an idea stand the test of time? How long can it be effective? For eternity? How long did the Nazi ideology last? Can your idea be carried on to the next age as a foundation or a pillar in a changing world?

My neighbor is broke because she believes getting employed by a business corporate will make her earn an income. That is a corporate idea, not hers. Either way, she is broke and unemployed because she believes in a corporate idea. Hence she cannot see otherwise. She does not have an idea that she can employ herself. That is her worst problem and curse. She does not have ideas and lacks critical thinking.

Self-employment is a poor idea for the masses with the same ideas. Who wants to be employed by the big corporate powers? Yet they have the same ideas and nothing new to offer than their next or previous counterparts. Just has a new name and physical features. If you are self-employed you might as well be unemployed to the masses. Well, the status quo has changed. Several people are unemployed but a small number have the ideas, the critical ideas which they use to propel themselves better off than the others.

A corporate will not make money to pay you if you are offering it the same idea it has had for decades or if your idea is not critical. It can be a new idea but not critical. Critical execution is also needed. How are you going to deliver the idea? What is needed for its execution? How will you deal with the backlash of your idea? Why is your new idea better than the next new idea? Is your idea not a prototype? Because if it is, the execution of it will execute you too.

Instead of being idle be an idealist. Do not seek ideas that have been used over and over again. Create ideas. Think. The more you rely on the economic policies of other people to save you. The more you will blame the wrong people when they fail to deliver. Can you not create your economic policy? Can you not think for yourself?

The level and depth of your ideas will determine how your life will be. The more you adopt other people's ideas, that you have no idea how and why they came up with them. The more you become idle and fail to decide for yourself.

If you identify with mass ideas and move along with them, you will adapt to a perishing ideology out of your own will.

Think critically. Do not bring up ideas. Bring up critical ideas. Bring relevant and lasting ideas that can adapt with time.

It's either you are an idealist or you are idly waiting for ideas that you will use to propel the agenda of




  1. One of the best articles i have ever read. Thank you

    1. Thank you Silent for looking for my work. I greatly appreciate your time and effort in going through my content. GOD bless you

  2. This is mind opening very relevant to our Zimbabwe situation. I'm glad I read this article

    1. Thank you for reading my content. I greatly appreciate. May GOD bless you.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you for reading my content. I greatly appreciate. May GOD bless you.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you for reading my content. I greatly appreciate. May GOD bless you.

  5. 9c1
    "Nothing is new"
    It's just delayed implementations.

  6. Great read, well said.


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