Selfishness, Despise and Motivation

Am I about to justify my conscience of being self-centered and selfish or I am about to reveal a truth to you that you are not supposed to be aware of? Even if you are aware of it, you pay great ignorance to it. Why?

When I passed the beggar on the street this afternoon I did not give in to his pleading for financial assistance even though I could offer him a little assistance which would be something to him. But I chose not to offer that assistance.

Earlier this morning on my way to the Central Business District whilst driving my six-seater car, I saw a group of people by the roadside hoping to be picked up and commuted to their different destinations. I could have assisted six to seven of them but I did not do so, I just drove off.

A couple of weeks earlier in the rural outskirts, I witnessed the poverty within a small family. I knew, GOD knew and that family knew I could assist them to be above the poverty datum line. As usual, I just did not help even though it was in me.

In all three incidents, why did I not offer help? It was not like if I did I would be crippled later on financially or in any other manner. Why? It's because I found myself despising the individuals in those situations and motivating myself to become better off than what I am currently so that if I fall to a low I will not be the beggar nor the stranded commuter or be part of the poor family in the rural outskirts.

Am I wrong to find motivation after despising a situation or despising a situation to be motivated?

I think too highly of myself, true I do. Well, I am higher than the beggar, I have more finances than the beggar. I have a better status than the commuters, I drive my car and they don't own any means of transport. I guess. I am way ahead of the poor family in rural areas because I can drag them out of poverty they are into a better level of it. Or do I just think at face value? Or do I think out of pride, self-centeredness and selfishness?

I ask myself. Do these individuals also not deserve a better life like the one I have? Did they not take full advantage and exposure to opportunities they had to be like me? If they had any in the first place. If they did and they did not fully exploit them, then that's their fault. No crying out here. Or am I asking these questions out of selfishness, despising other people and just to give myself a comfort zone in my mind or with that" I don't feel bad" attitude?

Well, I am not the only one who despises these people and finds motivation in them. Have YOU never seen an individual whose situation is so bad to an extent that you feel motivated to change your status which is seven times better off than theirs? Have YOU never found motivation after despising an individual or a people for the state they are in of being disadvantaged or crippled that you tell yourself that " damn I'm in a good place but I need to work harder so that I do not end up like that individual or them? "


Let's put this in context. The poverty and starvation murdering people in Sub -Sahara Africa or in other parts of the world. When the media informs you of this whilst sited in the comfort of your home as you eat down a plate of chicken or your favorite dish. Do you ever stop to wonder how you can help these people as an individual other than by just praying, letting your religion take care of it or social organizations?

Well as YOU do, or like what I do or others do, I am not assuming everyone. We just change the channel and say what a pity or we ask ourselves the critical question. Why? And after asking why, then we ask ourselves then what? Let's talk of Christians. Yes, Christians. Who tends doing reciprocate the love? I do not need to give you evidence that Christians do reciprocate love, you know yourself and have experienced it. If they did not do a tit-for-tat love then world poverty or Sub-Saharan poverty would be over. Right?

This tit-for-tat love or reciprocated love by Christians is what I despise and it motivates me. So it should motivate you too. Let me go deeper, if this view is biased then the 7 VIEWS ABOVE might need to come below. Here is what happens right? Christians are supposed to show love and care like JESUS CHRIST and GOD right? Equal love. So in other ways, Christians must be the modern-day neo - Marxist type of people right? Taking care of one another despite the situation or circumstances. Wouldn't that be a perfect world? Yes! Yes! But no, it does not play that way.

I have seen Christians who care about their interests and the welfare of those close to them. These same people do not extend a hand without getting reassurance of reciprocating. So I asked myself a question. If GOD was not gonna reciprocate back sevenfold or more, where are they still gonna give?

Think of this, if each Christian was going to act as generous as they were told to be in the church would society or the global village still be poor or suffering? Or if those megachurches were to unite and fight poverty within their societies would we still be having such a status quo? Obviously no! But why don't they do so?

It's simple. No one wants the person below them to come up on the same level or have the potential to rise above them unless they are guaranteed their interests will be achieved by this or be protected. Then their state of mind will be in peace on knowing that they are not being challenged.

It is the same fake love by such individuals which I despise and which motivates me to achieve my individual goals of being self-dependent and accumulating resources to keep me out of disaster, tragedy and being pitied by other people. Not waiting or hoping for organizations be it social services, churches or whoever it might be looking to help me out so that they can be reciprocated love back or build an image out of it.

Let's switch lanes and the context of this. I am motivated by what I could be short. Me, who better off than the current individual I am? Motivated by despising the so unpleasant life I see and am currently in. But why do these winds of motivation and despising have to be all about me, me, and me? Am I selfish? Do I not care about other people or is it because this drive of despising to get motivated was fueled by the reciprocating of fake love I witnessed? Or is it because I want to be better of than everyone else? To self satisfy myself.

I cannot be a charity case, to be pitted upon. Now that's motivation, knowing I cannot be a charity case and be despised. I am better off than someone else dying of hunger but I have to be better off than my current self. I cannot be a victim of Christian love which is fake or seemingly looking to be reciprocated back. If I am to receive this aid and love then let it be just an aid to a stepping stone.

Am I wrong to find motivation in despicable situations? Not motivation to change someone's situation but to change mine for the better instead of changing theirs. Well, I have to change mine, I cannot let charity organizations do it for me as I mentioned before.


Poverty financially is not nice. Poverty comes in many forms but the one that we despise the most is financial poverty. Why do we despise it? Why do YOU despise it? What motivates people to run away from poverty after despising it? Simply, they despise poverty and they motivate themselves to become wealthy and financially stable so that they do not become what they fear.

Can I motivate myself without having a bad experience? Can YOU motivate yourself without knowing that the outcome will suit your interests? For clearly, who paints a portrait of reality and does not seek to gain from it? Will you be able to motivate yourself to do something that will not look forward to reciprocating back what you gave?

Can I despise a situation without knowing it can make me appreciate the situation I am in or give me the drive to improve the situation I am in, to not become what I despise? Can YOU despise a situation because you are in a comfort zone and you will not be affected by the outcome or tragedy in existence? Will YOU and ME have to despise a situation to appreciate our current state and be grateful? Or despise it to become better than what we are?

The beggar can despise me for not offering him financial assistance but can motivate himself/herself to have what I have. By stopping to feel pity for himself/ herself because they are labeled a beggar and become something better than their current self or status. So can the commuters and the poor family. Or I am talking out of selfishness and being self-centered?

Am I just justifying my conscience of being selfish and self-centered or I am telling you the truth you are not supposed to be told or even think of?

Freedom of Thought from 7 Views Above 


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