Comfort Zone:Psychological Prison

I imprison myself in a comfort zone. A psychological comfort zone.

I need help. I am hurting myself with the way I think. I am insane within my mind but the way I act and relate to people I am normal. LORD my mind hurts from making myself too comfortable and not acting.

As I sit, I start thinking. I get lost in thoughts and imagination of what could be or could have been. I enter a psychological comfort zone where I find myself to be lazy, hardworking, rich, wealthy, impressive or a game changer. Or anything else that comes to mind but in reality, I am not as comfortable in my " psychological comfort zone". Real comfortable within my mind but a danger, a deceit and a tragedy are what it is in reality. This comfort zone of mine. Do I deserve to be comfortable then?

Why choose a comfort zone in my mind? Why even choose a comfort zone at all? Shouldn't I be working hard towards being impressive, wealthy, rich, or a game changer than just thinking of it in my mind and lying to myself that I am " it"? But when I shake my head reality strikes me that I have a wild imagination and reality is about to make me pay up for being comfortable. How? By bringing me back to it face the so unpleasant music.

I need help. I am hurting myself with the way I think. I am insane within my mind but the way I act and relate to people I am normal. LORD my mind hurts from making myself too comfortable and not acting.


My inability to act and turn my thoughts into action has led me to form a comfort zone in my mind where I give myself self-satisfaction with what I could be or could have been but failed to act. But within my comfort zone, I will be the greatest individual. Capitalizing on situations doing the impossible but with the rate of me being too comfortable within my mind I am thinking of getting therapy and psychologists to help me. I now fear for my mind by being too comfortable in it.

I am failing to act and take up challenges that could save me from this comfort which is self-defeating. I accept it's self-defeating but I deny the conclusion due to its pleasure. Going mad, aren't I?

I need help. I am hurting myself with the way I think. I am insane within my mind but the way I act and relate to people I am normal. LORD my mind hurts from making myself too comfortable and not acting.

Maybe this piece could have worked out well as a poem right? Don't you think so? Yeah, that's how I sound when about to enter my psychological comfort zone. Becoming lazy to shorten my work and enter a false reality. Or I am underestimating the work and passion of poets? I know I am not the only one who is better off in their minds. So we do need help right? A lot of us need help. You do, the way you overthink is abnormal.

Shouldn't I be doing more of the work to make sure I do not get into a comfort zone? From the way I see it, my being idle and not doing anything leads to my comfort zone. But my comfort zone is the reason I do not act because when I come out of it I would have convinced myself I'm doing something but I remind myself that I am not doing anything after I come out of it. Is it because I am lazy, don't have the guts, am short-sighted with a vision or it's just envy?

Ask my classmates who I am. The larger percentage of them don't know me. Ask me who I am to my classmates whilst in my comfort zone. I am probably an all-rounder in all aspects of life. I pleasure my comfort zone but the reality is there laughing at me. Waiting to tear me apart. Why don't I become what I think I must be or what I wish to be? Well, I am too comfortable in my zone to even think about it or even become it.

I think it's the envy of what I could have been or could be but failed to act. SO I RUN AWAY FROM MY COWARDICE TO BE IN MY MIND WHERE ALL CHALLENGES ARE DEFEATED. But in all honesty, I need help. I am too comfortable in events of the past in my mind of how they could have turned out if I was not so comfortable back then. Only to find out the reason they did not turn out as I wished was that I failed to act but here in my mind, in my comfort zone, I have done it all. I retell the past to myself with what could have happened in my context which I failed to act and am failing to act even up to now.

So I am escaping from my comfort zone which is a prison hindering me from acting. Going out there to do it and take risks. Am I ready to face reality? Well, it's better than imprisoning me in my comfort zone.


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