Self Actualization

You have family, friends, business partners, associates as well as enemies, and other different groups around. There are those who you claim to be the source of your hope, strength, happiness, pain, anger, positive vibes and negative vibes. In times of negativity, there is a certain public that gives you positivity and these are your source of hope, right?

 It's what you have been indoctrinated to believe that the groups in your positive corner are your source of hope and inspiration and to deliver as you have labeled them. These aspects hold you back from true self-actualization as they give you a smoke screen of a comfort zone. Well, you're wrong and deceived.

Humans are known to fail, failure is inevitable at times and when the groups in your positive area fail your expectations, "utter disappointment " is the least of the two words to describe a sentence of how you will feel. When they harm your self-actualization the worst scenario of all time, this harm could be inflicted by not being able to experience your self-actualization.
How do you stop being a victim of utter disappointment at the hands of those whom you expect to be your hope and yet victimize you? 

Very simple, self-actualization, and self-independence. It's better to fail and disappoint yourself at your own hands than to be failed and disappointed at the hands of those who should have not done it. Not least to do it but not do so. Those in your positive public area.

Self-actualization, how is it aspect of your source of hope which is stronger than what those in your positive public area could offer? Actualization is defined as giving the appearance of reality, self the individual as the object of his reflective consciousness. You see, as an individual, you hold the best view of yourself of what you want and why you want it. Those in the positive public area of your life also hold their own "self-actualization" of yourself. Also, tend to know what's best for you and why. Which conflicts with your aspect of self-actualization. Those in your positive area are the people who have authority over you due to norms and principles that are oppressive to your self-actualization, which will lead to conflict.

The question is how then do you knock out the "self-actualization" by those with authority over you and pursue your self-actualization? Firstly self-actualization is a matter of freedom of choice, the human freedom rights as they exist. Where those in your positive area who are the ones that guide your decisions be it, family, are autocratic aspects who do not want you making choices that will curb stomp their self-actualization view of you.

 How do you win them out? It takes courage, bravery, a free spirit and will. When it comes to choices that affect an individual, then the individual knows themself well enough to pick a choice. Then the ones with authority over you, in your positive public area which you were indoctrinated not to question their authority offend your choice done through your self-actualization. What a crime against humanity. We see a scenario of the overpowered individual making a choice that will taunt them, which they will greatly dislike and impact negatively on their life.

How could have been this negative impact overcome? The drive of self-actualization of one individual having the power to stand up, be heard and fight for their own belief in self-actualization. For when the negative impact befalls upon them, the positive public area of family, and close friends who would have chosen for an individual to choose that choice will gladly desist from offering an accurate helping hand. Their point of view will be that you accepted the choice as an individual, therefore dealing with the choice yet it was inflicted upon you.

Do not allow anyone to make a path or an agenda of your self-actualization for you will become what they want, which they failed to become. They want to experiment with their aspects of self-actualization and when it all goes through the window to the garbage heap so do you. Choose self-actualization without anyone shaping your mind, have the will to stand for your self-actualization and no-one should shape your self-actualization. 

From this aspect of your self-actualization will come ways, and techniques to solve problems, exploit opportunities, and better do it on your point of self-actualization than another's self-actualization. For individuals are different, no matter what the relation, for if you have the same perception of self-actualization with an individual close to you. Then one of you is the other's reflection, walking in a path not meant for him or her.
The sooner an individual takes up the power of self-actualization on their willpower without outside influence the better. Those who will give you self-actualization of how you should "self-actualize" will guide your path and way of life. When they pass on or change their ways of life you will be a stranger unto yourself, emotional breakdown and utter disappointment will be your status quo of the day.

Start being a self-actualized individual, and walk out of a smoke screen of a comfort zone set by your society. Start exploring. If you fail, better you fail at your hands than to fail as someone's "self-actualization" experiment or prototype.
Assert your freedom by the best choice of self-actualization. 


  1. Sometimes it's hard as well.

    1. Thank you Monidipa Dutta for going through. I greatly appreciate. May GO bless you.

  2. This is a really interesting read! I have not thought about it this way before. Thank you for sharing!

    Lauren @

    1. Hey Lauren. Thank you for reading my work. I greatly appreciate. May GOD bless you.

  3. It's always the best choice to be yourself. I agree with Lauren. I've never read anything like this. Great post! :)

    1. Thank you Kendra Byers for going through my content. I greatly appreciate. May you be blessed.

  4. I'd say thats more than 7 views ��
    Very in depth read!Thanks!

    1. Thank you ThrifDeeDubai for going through my work I greatly appreciate. May you be blesssed.

  5. Well pitched ,a worth to emplement and share

  6. I am 65 years old and have lived life to the fullest. My only regrets are the times that I failed after listening to someone else in my life. I don't regret the times I failed when I made the decision on my own.

    1. Thank you Chip Oddo for going through my work. May GOD bless you.

  7. Excellent read, thanks for penning such a holistic piece on how we ought look at our lives with the end in mind.


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