Deceit By Money

Money is not everything, the love of money is the root of all evil. A billionaire has everything but a fair guest and you will not take your wealth under this earth. How much hypocrisy and disillusion is given out to the masses, when they know very well that it's a deceit?

Money is powerful, that's why those who possess it decide who lives and who dies. The same reason why those who live below the poverty datum know its power and those above the wealth datum line worship it. Let's contextualize, Zimbabwe and other Christian states. Zimbabwe is a largely dominated Christian state. Which means they're very familiar with the Biblical quotes. " Blessed are the poor for they shall inherit the kingdom of Heaven." Is it a comforting statement in the face of oppression? The question though what type of poverty? Let's put it in the real state and terms of it. Poverty in the aspect of resources, wealth, basic access to goods, and living next to nothing. Walk up to those underprivileged people and preach that "Blessed are the poor".

By then two things could have happened to them. In case one, they could have been already pacified. Keeping on believing that their poverty is a sort of blessing but truth be told poverty is a curse. Hence they should stop believing in a message that holds the power to pacify them.

The second case scenario will be of those who are in poverty and would have opened their eyes and mind to the matrix in front of them. Who would understand the power of money and how religious aspects are suppressing them instead of helping them? 

Now back to the Zimbabwean context and other states that relate to Zimbabwe. It's no secret that poverty has become the norm of the day. A cashless society has gone digital but is still cashless in its digital aspect due to a production crisis. A reflection of the Harare Central Business District which reflects informal markets, long bank queues for a withdrawal of next to nothing are just the mere citation of poverty at hand.

What do the people want, and what do the people in a society similar to Zimbabwe want? They want money, not a pacifying preacher and religion. Religion states be contemptuous of what you have but in the Zimbabwean context and other states that can relate it's a mockery and a pacifier. How can you be contemptuous waiting in long lines all day and registering a position within the line for a withdrawal of a meager $50 or nothing at all? In one's mind what then pacifies, controls them, and makes them calm is the religious matrix they would have been indoctrinated into.

Jesus Christ in Matthew 3 verse 15 " For these people's hearts is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have closed, lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart ."

Society or the oppressed do not see how the same beliefs they heed are their tactical enemies. They do not see how the money they are told you love is the root of all evil, yet there is a context to it or reason behind it. Zimbabwe or other societies that can relate, do you not see how you are pacified by certain religions pushed into a state's status quo to pacify you and oppress you at the same time? How haven't you opened your eyes that pacifying has become a business for you to close your eyes more at the oppression around you?


Now open your eyes, open your mind to freedom of thought, and understand with your heart why you are in a mess as it is and what will get you out of that mess. It is the lack of money, it's the unavailability that has put you in that mess. Yet you tend to act as if you do not see it. It is the same need for money that you toil for day and night. Which gives you restless hours but then you are pacified by those who control it and have it. The same people who draw out the " right and moralistic" ways you can get it. Yet they use the opposite means. They have pacified you and lied to you.

Jesus Christ " hear with their ears", people hear. What have people heard, the economy has failed, hope is coming through government schemes and hold on to your religion and polarized beliefs that will save you. It's what they have heard and been indoctrinated into. People should listen, by this aspect of listening you will be questioning everything you hear and reducing the effect of being pacified. They have ears but do not hear, it is an aspect of listening and understanding. Now let your ears hear clearly how you ( Society) have been given a matrix on the aspect of what you believe in.

The government is not leading, it is ruling, pacifying, controlling, and oppressing you with the same beliefs and hopes you expect to save you from.

Yes, you might pray but prayer is not part of the success equation neither is religion. Religion is what is keeping the poor from murdering the rich. What has pacified people to hold themselves randomly to poverty when they could have and can reassert themselves from this self-oppression?

Jesus Christ " Understand with their heart". Understanding calls for the power of the mind. The heart is the life source. Understand how religion is a power or tool to those in the business of pacifying. If one wants to believe in it, yes do so but do not at the expense of you being oppressed or becoming a pacified human being. Understand that religion allows you to be wealthy, yet it limits how you can achieve it. Choose the aspect of becoming wealthy in resources. But if the measure to attain it pacifies, controls you and offers you a raw deal. Refuse and run away.

Understand your heart, and understand the aspect and power of money from an atheist point of view. Do not let religion and beliefs tell you the way to go. That is capable of stopping and hindering the door to your success. For the same people that preach the beliefs, norms and religion use it as a cover-up to go do the opposite of what they preach. Religion is a profession or has become a profession.

Freedom of Thought from 7 Views Above


  1. I like the way you've put things in black and white.
    The white man needed to conquer us by introducing us to religion. Those who took over after colonialism continued using the same means to control the poor.
    So sad indeed.

    1. Thank you Sir Mzangila Snr for reading my work I greatly appreciate. May GOD bless you

  2. I beg to differ prayer is largely a great part of the success equation to those who believe it and are led by the spirit of God.
    Yes you can be wealthy without a single prayer but the wealth is an abomination to the Lord

    1. Thank you Dirikwe for reading my work. I greatly appreciate

  3. This is making sense, I love this t s 100% true


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