Danger Of Stereotyping

Stereotypical norms devour their own believers , these stereotypical norms make them hypocritical and easy to control. Stereotypes beliefs have painted the world or society to be a picture perfect view yet it's a lie , a matrix. Stereotypes has much as they want their rights exercised , they don't believe in the rights of Lesbians , Gays ,Bisexuals and Transgender. ( L.G.B.T.) For L.G.B.T. persons doesn't make them less human. Yet for the stereotypes they are seen as less human.
L.G.B.T. have proved to be humans though a stereotype society sees the opposite. Stereotypes societies based on some norms see L.G.B.T. to be inhuman. Why, because they have different sexual desires and personalities. Each human whether L.G.B.T. or not as a right to choice , right to freedom of thought and to have their views expressed. If those non- L.G.B.T. members critic and discriminate the L.G.B.T. society due to their norms , it makes them hypocrites. Hence we see the process of how stereotypical norms devour their own believers.

Stereotypes believe in their rights greatly, when those rights promote their norms and beliefs. When the moment comes for those same rights or another sect of rights to promote the norms and beliefs of others whom have different views from stereotypes , we see a hypocritical move and stance.
As much as stereotypes want their stereotype norms , rights and beliefs to be accepted hence they should want the same for others. But they are then devoured , eaten apart , ridiculed and become hypocrites to the same norms they believe in. When the stereotype society demand their right to their " own" freedom and the L.G.B.T. society demand their right to their "own" freedom . The L.G.B.T. freedom is denied , ridiculed and laid to waste by the same stereotype society that's demanding the same right to freedom in their own context. Hence we see how stereotype norms devour their own believers by making them hypocrites and having subjective views.

Stereotype beliefs in society never end and hence continue to devour their own believers. Even in the education system they exist. Doctors, Engineers , Journalists and apparently any white collar job are visions given to those in the education system. The goals and ambitions of walking out of university with the white collar job degree is the so called " dream come true". Where by the most dreamers do not understand the reality of the dream. The media, the authority and failed stereotypical society indoctrinate the great white collar job into the minds of the children in their early years of education. This indoctrination which is stereotype and will degrade one when their eyes actually open.

The blue collar job indoctrination is the most side lined whilst the most effective type of production. For white collar jobs , offer services but the question at hand is which society , with the rate of stereotypes doesn't have the majority of it's people offering an overload of services to an extent that these services burden the one offering them and even the receiver. For economically , money does not come from offering services in a tertiary industry but from the goods produced by the blue collar worker. Where by the blue collar in context of economics and geography are the primary or secondary industry.

These goods made by the blue collar worker are then exported and bring in money for a society. Which is the same money that pays the white collar worker whom are indoctrinated with the belief that they're above the blue collar worker. Such stereotype beliefs should be quickly shunned by society.
Largely in the African society , whom are victims of the aspect of stereotype, only see wealth to be in the tertiary industry not understanding that the primary / secondary , blue collar worker who makes them earn a living. When they pursue their stereotype dreams in the white collar aspect , then at the end of the day they realise that there is an overload of white collars with a minimal space to exercise their profession . Leading to a dog eat dog situation .They become victims to their own stereotypical norms which devour them into oblivion.

"Politicians will deliver us from this mess, Guy X is the right politician to vote for and the job will be done" .The science and philosophy of politics which are still believed by stereotypes to this very age. Then comes the delusion of it , the norms devouring the believer , when the politician fails and then walks out wealthier than he or she entered into political power. Leaving the believer poorer than he or she was, when the believer was pushing for the politician to gain power.

Here is where the norm is all wrong and all correct to the victim. Stereotype societies believe that the politician will save their society for they presumably gave him or her the job, authority,  resources to do so through voting. The politician will or might lay out the plan for the foundation , the materials , the practicality and the end result . Then hands it to the stereotype society. Then that's the end. Whilst the politician engages in deals believed to benefit the society , the deals benefit the politicians.
The state of development of your society will reflect whether the politician you completely pushed for did the job or did the job for himself or herself. When then you realize the same road still exists in its bad structure and never repaired or it was in a good state but never improved. Yet in your stereotype beliefs or norms you thought it was gonna happen because you were told but it never did happen. Hence your stereotypical norms or beliefs have devoured and disappointed you.

This form of belief in politicians being the messiahs , which is a matrix is only solved by the  individual stepping out of the stereotype society. Knowing that there is a mess , drawing the plans of how to get out of the mess and desist from the " perfect , Godly and right " politician offering you the solution you become his or her problem . When you become the problem , the politician will know how to handle you even if the politician mistreats you. You will see it right due to the stereotype norms you have been indoctrinated on the aspect of the politician being your savior when you are your own savior.

There's nothing wrong with having religious norms,  religious norms that purify,  refresh and give rest to yourself. However the problem arises when the religious norms claim they will save you in an extraordinary way , the problem is when they pacify you and tell you ton direct your efforts towards a peculiar criteria linked to it. Most o the wealthiest people do not have a religion or a stereotypical norm on the aspect of religion. They know where to direct their time , effort and passion. They also know how. Hence they become wealthy, powerful, influential and more elite or sophisticated.
Then there are those, with the religious stereotype norms, who believe prayer and beliefs will ascend them into wealth. When those same very beliefs at times indoctrinate the idea of assuming wealth and draw certain regulatory or restrictive paths to that wealth. All this happens when pacified. When religion tells you to work more and then states how , why and what you can work for. The question is for what , when the wealth you work for has been limited and when you receive peanuts instead of diamonds , then told to become grateful. Which is a mockery and very funny but one accepts because your stereotype norms of religion have devoured you.

Sleep less, work more, draw a line between your religion and yourself. For as much as you're entitled to respect , honor and uphold your religion , beliefs or norms. That same aspect of religion is entitled to do the same for you , for if it doesn't , it pacifies and controls you. Which is a no !
The aspect of wholly believing in a religion or norms which hold you back from wealth or better life is the monster devouring you. If you're not satisfied with your income and want to multiply the sources of income but your religion or norms hold you back. Then you have norms that are devouring you. For making an income to survive or improve one's life on context is not bad but the beliefs pacifying and devouring are the ones to be thrown away from holding back the key to a person's success or survival.If you wanna become wealthy by stepping on top of other people then let it be , for it's a survival of the fittest in a society where resources are very limited to the majority and in abundance to the minority.
So when you are part of majority trying to get your piece of cake and pushing to elevate yourself , then norms , beliefs and religious sects should be put aside before they pacify you and victimise you.


For if you are to incline yourself within them, (stereotypical norms) , when resources are being devoured by those who have risen above the aspect of being controlled. You are left believing that good will come whilst you work on one aspect of income that is devouring your personal integrity and humanity. As much as you respect your norms they should also be comfortable with the ideas , decisions and paths you take even if it offends these norms.  Good things come to those who wait whilst the perfect will be taken away by those who work and take the risks for them. Then when you  experience this you will then realise how your stereotype norms have devoured you and pacified you .
If you're not comfortable with your norms that where indoctrinated into you IN A STEREOTYPE manner , which you see that they hold you back . Sit down , restructure your own beliefs, norms, principles and most of all the paths that you know will not devour you. That are not adapted from stereotype aspects and do not hold back your own ambitions to achieve a better life no matter what the cost.
Freedom of thought from 7 Views Above


  1. I love your article the message speaks to everyone you did a great job!

    1. Thank you MissNaturalGeek for reading my work. Thank you.

  2. wow! well written! i love the way you are able to express your thoughts!

    1. Thank you Patricia-Ann Que for reading my work. I greatly appreciate. May GOD bless you.

  3. I love how you express your thoughts about current issues. We all have different point of views and it's always a good idea to express ourselves. Congratulations!

    1. Thank you Mean Grave for going through my work. I greatly appreciate. May GOD bless you.

  4. Very interesting take on a complex issue. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you Erika Gross for going through my work. I greatly appreciate your time and effort in going through my work. I greatly appreciate.

  5. best post I've read in a long long time. I have writen a similar one regarding musical stereotypes, things I see every day as a metalhead. Let's all ditch those norms shall we?

    1. Thank you Chelf for going through my content. I greatly appreciate your time and effort. May GOD bless you.

  6. Socially and social phycology is really tangled subject. Thank for your sharing.

    1. Thank you Bertha Bella Dugyu Nas Bert for going through my work. I greatly appreciate your time and effort. May you be blessed.

  7. I appreciate that you have expressed your thoughts on this issue.

    1. Thank you Kavi Ayyar for going through my work. I greatly appreciate your time and effort. May you be blessed.

  8. Nicely expressed!A thought provoking article.

    1. Thank you Sukriti Jaswal for going through my work. I greatly appreciate your time and effort. May you be blessed.

  9. You tackled this subject confidently and that is really amazing. Freedom to express who we are, what we are, and ditch how other people want us to be.

    1. Thank you Crisly for going through my work. I greatly appreciate your time and effort. May you be blessed.

  10. I think it's all about knowing what you want and believe. And asserting that in the best way possible. Wel written

    1. Thank you Nabanita for going through my work. I greatly appreciate appreciate. GOD bless you.

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you Jeremy for going through my work. I greatly appreciate. GOD bless you.

  12. This is an incredible read! It's truly fascinating. Keep it up!

    1. Thank you Leanne for going through my work. I greatly appreciate. GOD bless you.

  13. In love this article. It is really great food for thought. Keep it up

  14. Interesting read I like hiw you expressed your thoughts.

  15. It would be a good idea if Angie Motsekga could include such in the Life Orientation curriculum instead of teaching our grade 4's about masturbation (another stereotype ftom my part perhaps).

  16. Thanks very Much, I have been enlightened with your article on Stereotyping.


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