Justified Inequality

Think of a world where resources are distributed equally, Marxism per se. Everyone has the same wage, the same job, and a house is the same quality and we get the same resources equally. So per se, no one is wealthier than the other, the is no labor exploitation and we all have the same lifestyle. Sounds like a good life right, fair and perfect.

Truth be told the measure of equality does not motivate us, we can't be equal. That's why we have those in power and those out of power. The ruling or elitist class and the masses. There is no in-between. The question to be asked is why society is structured the way it is. Is it to oppress, yes, is to motivate yes? The sociologists and the media will preach that such a system is oppressive but what they forget to tell you is that it motivates. Motivation in the status quo of oppression. What's the form of motivation in the face of oppression or inequality?

An individual grows up in a society that is a reflection of resource inequality but has the motivation to rise above. Two cases can happen to this individual. In case one, the individual can have a poor future, that will be terrorized by the elements of misfortune. If they choose not to rise above the circumstances, the issue though is that inequality will pull this individual down back to the slumps. If they hold no motivation to sustain themselves through the oppression of inequality then they will be victims of social inequality.

Then there is case 2 of this individual. Who witnesses the measure of inequality and oppression? Realizes how there are the elitists with seven times more than they have and too much wealth to sustain themselves. We have an inequality and oppression situation. But in case 2, the individual is motivated through the status quo to rise to " the top" which is described by a matrix. The question is what made Case 2 better than Case 1, is it because of the power of will and motivation? Yes, it is, but from where did it come?

It came from the inequality experienced, if case 2 had experienced a measure of equality where everything was equal, and no one was above the other in terms of resources then their lives would have remained the same. For it is a matrix of deceit that if resources are equally distributed then life would be better, it's a matter of equity, not equality.

To rise a status quo of oppression, with inequality at its center is the motivation to rise to the top. A society of oppression, inequality, class structures, and discrimination are the ingredients to the motivation to rise above it.

The measure of equality creates a dull and easy control of an individual. One who is pacified and does not question what they are told or taught. What an individual believes to be true, is true because they were told so and never looked any further. The structure of society and its pursuit of equality is the way to go and people believe it's true because they have been told and never looked any further.

For if an individual becomes a victim of the measure of equality they become subtle, soft, and extremely pacified. Where you end up becoming a victim of the oppressed who will vulture such an individual.

The equality that society strives for among itself in a status quo of oppression is a smoking mirror. For no one wants to be equal to the next man because of the inequality experienced in society. The inequality will lead an individual to drive himself to the top losing the norms of society and relatively stomping on fellow man to rise to the top.

Oppress a man and he will rise to the top. Give a man equality he will be pacified and handled a false perception of being at the " top". Man can never be equal, even religious deities have their religious classes. 

It's a matter of equity not equality, a system of oppression that has lied that equality is the way that even got Karl Marx and his socialist ideologies to be wrong or impractical.

Should we support oppression, inequality and corruption in a status quo to motivate an individual to rise to the top? As much as people distaste the truth or the society they are part of. The same society will not change, oppression will happen, inequality will happen and all other aspects deemed negative. What is the solution, can society resolve itself and evolve rather than experience a revolution?

An individual should separate himself from society and assert his independence without the lies of societal norms.

Better a dead man or a man who died fighting to rise above than a man living under society's oppression of false norms.

Free Thought from 7 Views Above



  1. Wow, lot's of food for thought here. Thanks for sharing!

  2. This give much to think about. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Hmm... you're onto something.

  4. Thanks for sharing indeed better to fight than be bound by norms

  5. Thank you for inviting me,that article is very strong and inspiring. Thank you for your thought.

  6. We all know that man can never be equal on this earth.but what is increasingly worrying is the widening gape between the rich and the poor.Monopoly capitals who prey on cheap labour is the problem.People are just asking for better wages,better services and freedom.in case of South Africa white people got most of the things they have by force.they are generations ahead of majority black Africans their wealth can never be justified hence the need for affirmative action to try to mend the situation.if such actions are not taken rich people will continue to be rich and the poor stay poor even if they try harder
    We can't blame poverty on laziness in the case of South Africa it's simply not fair.

  7. It's a well presented conversation. But does not deal with the collective wealth that is stolen when corporate greed or individual greed steals when they are able to exploit information they have that others don't. Everyone can invest money, I invest money. But I don't have the insider knowledge that will make me rich. What should we do about the rich who exploit this knowledge to enhance their own wealth while exploiting low wages on those who simply don't have access to this knowledge? And what of those of us who are unable to work, due to illness or disability? These people deserve a living. It is in the majority of these cases that these people are disabled due to birth or accident. No fault of their own! Should we leave these people destitute?

  8. Interesting article, but greed overtakes, people become statistics, countries are run for figures, your either a profit or cost, these figures have replaced people for who the country should be about, instead the world is bank that runs all the countries according to the assets of the richest....

  9. Good read. You put up a lot of thought into it


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