For I Am White
S ee, he or she who protects and serves GOD's chosen race is glorified. See Nelson Mandela. Ask Seretse Ian Khama. See Desmond Tutu. He or she who goes against GOD's chosen race shall feel the wrath of GOD. Ask Robert Mugabe, see Steve Biko. See Patrice Lumumba, see Samora Machel, see Martin Luther King and see Malcolm X. What is a black man or black woman's dream without a white inspiration? Tell me of a black man that we WHITES did not inspire. Have you ever had that feeling when you look in the mirror and you are proud of your race? The feeling that you are WHITE. You are of a superior race, skin tone and color. Yes, being WHITE. If you are black, believe me, you will never have that feeling of being WHITE. Even if you are choc-ice or coconut, ( Being black on the outside and white on the inside) you are still not WHITE. If WHITE people had not appeared on the black continent. You black people would have never had a history. No history without the WHITE folk. Yes, GOD...